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After four years of writing nothing but research papers and the occasional Yelp review, I apologize if my writing skills are a little less polished than they use to be. When I first began writing for Inside SCV, I took my reviews very seriously. Yes, I wanted to be clever and entertaining, but I really thought that my opinion on what novel should be read next or restaurant should be visited after soccer practice was going to change lives!
You won't want your young child to miss out on Safety Town - a weeklong summer camp you'll love!
Don't miss the new Farmers Market and ESCAPE's next production - "The Sound of Music!"
Did your dad teach you how to ride a bike? How to make a killer omelet? In honor of Father's Day on Sunday, June 21, we asked our readers about the lessons their dads shared with them. Want to join the conversation - and have a chance to win great prizes all month long? "Like" Inside SCV Magazine on Facebook at
Summer camp means a hundred things to a kid - making new friends, letting go of everyday worries, learning new things, and going to bed each night bone tired with the day's new experiences fresh in your mind. Whether you're at a day camp or an "away" camp, the experience is packed full of incredible opportunities to broaden one's horizons and explore a new environment.
We wanted to know: What makes your mom special? Your answers made us smile - and cry! Want to join the conversation? "Like" Inside SCV Magazine on Facebook!
Everything Mom wants for Mother's Day is right here!
Fun for them and convenient for you, SCV's best summer camps are open for business! Book your child's hot-weather to-do now, as space fills early.
You won't want to miss this "Alice" inspired tea party!
Did you know that kids as young as 3 can learn tennis?
Fun Ways to Grow Together this Spring
If you resolved to do more for your family in 2015, this is the story for you!
Santa Clarita's not lacking in open space - isn't it time you started taking advantage of it? In 2015, encourage the kids to put down the video games and pick up a rock.
Fall is the season of warmth and wonderment - here's how to share it with those you love!
Some Saugus High grads not only come back to our community after college, but they return to the campus where they once were a student - not just to pay a visit, but to teach! Today, 26 teachers, administrators and classified employees at Saugus are working in the classrooms where they cut their educational teeth and grew into responsible citizens. Their roots have grown deep as former Centurions and they are fully invested in the school, its culture and the students.
No tricks here! Find out about all the fun in the SCV and beyond.
"See that little girl on the big horse? That's my daughter. Before she came to Carousel Ranch, she couldn't even sit up. She never smiled. Now look at her!," said the mom I met a decade ago.
Sponsors RE/MAX of Valencia & RE/MAX of Santa Clarita Share the Day's Highlights
Meet Target's newest commercial star and learn about the "secret benefits" of homebirth.
In honor of Christopher Wilke, a 12-year-old boy who died of cancer of the bile ducts on March 20, 2014, Burbank resident and ultra marathon runner Roy Wiegand is planning to run from Angels Stadium in Anaheim to the Michael Hoefflin Foundation in Santa Clarita on Friday, July 4. All proceeds from this run will go to the Michael Hoefflin Foundation for Children's Cancer.
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