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Horse around with the family with a trail ride.
LARC Ranch's upcoming event will have you groovin' to the best oldies.
For a moment, think about the seniors in your life - the crossing guard on your street, the neighbor who always waves to your kids, the volunteer at the library, the veteran next door, your beloved family members. Think about how those individuals have positively contributed to your life, the lives of those you love, the community where you live and the country you call "home."
Fabulous fun for the family and more!
It's time for summery family fun in the sun!
Don't miss the Spring Hop in Lake Hughes on April 29.
The KHTS Home & Garden Show is filled with surprises.
Yes, it's almost time to register for Summer Camp!
Don't miss the annual free STEAM Expo for kids and teens.
Toy drives, soup for seniors and more ways to show you care.
NBA star Russell Westbrook and his brother were taught to ask themselves, "Why not?" every time they were told they could not do something that would put them on a track to success. It is this encouragement, confidence and strength that Russell and his family want to instill in children across the country. That's why Westbrook launched his organization: the Russell Westbrook Why Not? Foundation.
Share your good fortune with SCV children in need.
Circus Vargas presents iLUMINOUS, a new spectacular that glows in the dark coming to Westfield Valencia Town Center Wednesday, November 2 to Monday, November 7
Yes, your kids can have some Halloween candy - just do this to prevent cavities.
I never knew what a "golf widow" was until I began dating my husband. While things settled a little after we had children, between scheduling around tee times and tournaments, plus all the football and baseball games he feels morally obligated to watch (Evidently the Yankees and Broncos don't win when he's not sitting couch side with bated breath.) there isn't as much "us" and family time as I'd like.
Want your kids to be in the "starting five?" Learn more about this basketball training for kids.
Don't miss The Painted Turtle's Hawaiian BBQ in September!
If you have passed the finish line, why not stop running? Crossing the finish line is the most anticipated part in any race. When crossing the finish line, we slow down, stop and reflect on the race we just finished. The retirement finish line is the number we need saved in our accounts to enjoy the next phase of life.
Have small kids? Drive on occasion with them in the car? If "yes," you don't want to miss this free event!
Do you know how often your pup should be groomed?
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