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Keeping Fido cool and the kids entertained, plus a look at Safety Town.
"I don't want another picture, Mommy! The sun is hurting my eyes!" That was my 7 year old, on Take 10 of what I was certain was going to be the Best Picture Ever. We were in Central California on the coast and we had just pulled the car over to witness some major seal action on the shore.
Gifts that he will appreciate all year.
The most fun, exciting camp options anywhere.
You won't want to miss this family-friendly collection of events.
Get the look for a magical night!
Make your Next Bash One for the Record Books
"Free" gym, free egg hunts and more!
Send a sweet Valentine's message to a soldier - and more.
I was fully aware of the irony. In the middle of reading an article about how to be "fully present," I found myself barking at children to clean their rooms while simultaneously checking e-mail every time a notification audibly pinged.
Do you know the difference between Type 1 & 2 Diabetes? Learn more during National Diabetes Month.
From Santa Clarita to the Far Corners of the Earth, Princess Cruises is Making Memories and a Difference
Do you know a deserving family or non-profit that could use free painting services?
Often, as we near the Thanksgiving holiday, we start writing gratitude lists and doing daily Facebook posts. We try to focus on being grateful for more than just one day, so we highlight something different each day. We highlight little things like a friendly grocery store clerk and bigger things like a clean bill of health, a loving spouse, or a helpful child.
Our favorite boo-tique selections will make this holiday especially spooky!
Your child grows fast - here's how to enjoy every phase.
ATA Martial Arts students take home the gold at World Championships.
An SCVi junior shares what kids really think about "back to school."
Get fit as a family with real lifestyle modifications that make a difference!
Smart tips to get your child to eat better - and lots more.
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