Random Acts of Kindness in Santa Clarita
July, 2007 - Issue #33
Christmas Year-round
Last Christmas a sweet young couple made the holiday a little merrier in our home. I know it's not out of the norm for people to help others around the holidays but this couple went above and beyond for my three children. I was so touched that strangers would take the time to make sure each gift was perfectly tailored to each of my children. It was clear the greatest gift was the love and caring they displayed to me and my kids. As summer approaches it still feels like Christmas for us. I can't be happier to live in a place where human kindness is so overflowing.
~ Marjanne, Saugus

The Neighborly Thing to Do
I have two neighbors who really make a difference. One makes note of graffiti on his way home from work every day and then on Saturday he grabs a bucket of paint and a roller and gets rid of it. The other can be seen mowing the lawn of a widowed neighbor most every week. Neither one would ever want or expect recognition.
~ Tricia Rogers, Newhall

Modern-day Chivalry
I was pleasantly surprised by a good deed at the Vons on Lyons. I was walking towards the store and noticed that a man was also walking towards the entrance. These days, the other person usually speeds up to get there before you do. I slowed down to avoid "the race" only to see that he had stopped at the side of the automatic door and was waving his arm in front of it so that it would open for me to go in first. I was pleasantly shocked by his modern-day chivalry!
~ Marcia Lewis, Newhall

Weekly Flower Delivery
Ever since Nana died, my dad visits her grave weekly. What is especially extraordinary is that he keeps fresh flowers in every vase surrounding her site. Every Sunday he honors the memory of my Nana by delivering flowers to her and 30 of her "neighbors." The thought of him doing this always brings a smile to my face. I know my nana would appreciate this gesture her son makes for people he never even met. I think kindness is contagious and I thank my dad for his.
~ Jeanna, Santa Clarita

Kid's Kindness
I go to the Boys & Girls Club and my friends do acts of kindness for the staff. Samantha, Brianna and Hally always help clean up any messes that happen even if they didn't do them. They do this because they appreciate the staff and they love the Boys & Girls Club. We have a lot of fun there and I don't mind helping out, either. I think the staff do acts of kindness for all of us every day!
~ Kati, age 8, Canyon Country

Secret Friends
My sister secretly performs random acts of kindness at her office. Whenever she notices that someone is having a bad day, she sneaks a cheery message and small gift (usually a small box of candy) onto their desk. She has yet to be found out, and she's been the "happy" elf for over a year now. She even leaves tokens on the desks of strangers. Thank goodness no one has ever needed to borrow something out of her filing cabinet - they would discover her stash of goodies!
~ Christine, Castaic


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