There's No Place like Home
November, 2014 - Issue #121
Some Saugus High grads not only come back to our community after college, but they return to the campus where they once were a student - not just to pay a visit, but to teach! Today, 26 teachers, administrators and classified employees at Saugus are working in the classrooms where they cut their educational teeth and grew into responsible citizens. Their roots have grown deep as former Centurions and they are fully invested in the school, its culture and the students.

Here's what they have to say about what it's like to teach at their alma mater.

Amber Aquin (Nua), Special Education, '01: Mr. Bolde gave me an "I told you so" when I came back. He had said that he'd hire me once I became a teacher and, well, here I am!

Julie Archer (Watson), Special Education, Head Softball Coach, '00: I had amazing teachers who inspired me to become a teacher. The environment on this campus continues to develop the students to be the best they can be in life.

Zach Ambrose, Social Studies, Volleyball Coach, '94: I love interacting with the students. We have some truly amazing talent in and out of the classroom.

Scott Schultz, Campus Computer Tech, '81: Saugus has an all-around good group of people to work with.

Megan Botton (Thrasher), English, Speech Coach, '00: Today, there are more students involved in extra-curricular activities, particularly in the arts. I love that. We now have a show choir, a LitMag class, a comedy improv team, clubs like Magnum Opus and Writers in Flight... I'm heartened to see so many students expressing themselves in artistic and creative ways.

P.J. Sweigart, Science and Math, Football Coach, '06: We did not have late start Wednesdays when I was a student. I am sure I would have enjoyed those!

Shellie Holcombe (Baby), Assistant Principal, '83: I made some amazing friends at Saugus - and we're still in touch!

Marissa Hyke (Mullen), Science, '99: During one of my first years as a teacher, another staff member saw me park in the staff parking lot and thought I was a student who had somehow gotten a staff permit. They looked up the number on my parking pass and saw that it belonged to me and that I was, in fact, a teacher.

"There's SOMETHING SPECIAL to be said about those who have made a choice to
come home and give back to their community and their high school. The now-adults on our campus who sat in these desks as Centurions have a deeper understanding of who we are and what we represent. They come back with an ingrained sense of family pride
and they long to make a difference, just like their teachers did for them,"
~ Saugus Principal Bill Bolde
John Maggiora, Social Studies, Head Baseball Coach, '94: I'm fulfilling a dream that I've had since the 10th grade - to be teaching Social Studies and coaching baseball at my alma mater. I even made a goal poster in the 12th grade depicting these two things!

Joe Walker, Math, Common Core Content Team Leader, '86: The passion that our teachers have about educating students in their subject area hasn't changed since I was a student here.

George Lopata, Special Education Department Chair, Intermural Coordinator, '89: The changes to the campus that have happened since I was a student here are fantastic. The campus is beautiful and the students and staff take a lot of pride in keeping it that way.

Dawn Herbert, Business Teacher, FBLA Advisor, '87: I remember my challenging Business courses, such as Accounting and OJT, with Mr. Jenk Stephenson and my friend Alisa. I'm still friends with both of them. I was motivated to be a Business/Accounting teacher by Mr. Stephenson. It was great to share some of my teaching years with Jenk and to still be able to benefit from his knowledge and motivation. I'm a better teacher for knowing Jenk as a student and now as a teacher.

Amy Marmol (Gaston), World Languages (French), '05: I almost always get asked for my off-campus pass if I try to leave campus to go to my car during brunch or lunch. I often get asked why I'm in the teacher's lounge or staff workroom. Now that I know the campus supervisors better, I get in less trouble!
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