This Month Why Don't You...
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treat your kitty to a stylish new cat cave from an SCV-based eco-co?
Eco-Tails is a new family-owned/run biz based in the SCV - and their sustainable, chemical and dye-free pet products are growing in popularity. Made from New Zealand wool that repels odors, bacteria, dust and dirt while naturally temperature regulating your cat's environment, these pretty pieces are hand crafted by artisans in Nepal. A percentage of profits are donated to local animal shelters. Get yours to help celebrate "Happy Mew Year for Cats Day" on January 2, a not-so-official holiday established in 2016.
make an easy switch to help save our oceans?
Most of today's kitchen "scrubby" sponges are made of plastic and petroleum - they don't biodegrade, they just break down slowly into particles that pollute and can be confused as food to sea life. Make a selfless swap, choosing scouring pads made of walnut shells or coconut husks instead. They're available in finer grocery stores and Amazon.
celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. day with a (re) commitment to racial justice?
Too many kids - and adults - see MLK Day as a reason to skip school - and nothing more. This year, do better by learning more about MLK history and promoting racial justice. Not sure where to start? Check out events held by Showing Up for Racial Justice chapters, discover resources from Raising Race Conscious Children ( or look to King himself for guidance at
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use all the gift cards you got over the holidays?
Americans have $45 billion in unused gift cards resting in wallets and hidden in drawers. Don't be one of the many who leave "money on the table." Gather all your gifties together and make your family do the same. Perhaps a trade is in order, or an offer to buy at pennies on the gift-card dollar. Then make a plan to spend 'em.
plan a garden?
You might not be able to tell from the look of the weather outside, but January is the official start of gardening season. Seed catalogs are in mailboxes, heat lamps are being prepped for indoor seed starting and soils are being nurtured to prepare for the planting to come. Want to get your hands dirty, but don't know how to get started? Talk to gardening pros at Green Thumb in Old Town Newhall.
add one healthy-family habit?
Making big changes can be overwhelming, so start small - one new healthy habit a month for 2019 will add up to a dozen improvements by the end of the year. Options abound, from scheduling a weekly family hike to adding mineral drops to everyone's water at dinner. Whether it's giving something up as a family (Soda!) or trying something new (Meat-free Monday!), talk to your crew and foster buy in so that this feels like a fun family bonding experience - not a chore.