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Did your dad teach you how to ride a bike? How to make a killer omelet? In honor of Father's Day on Sunday, June 21, we asked our readers about the lessons their dads shared with them. Want to join the conversation - and have a chance to win great prizes all month long? "Like"
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"My dad taught me how to roll with the daily obstacles that will
come in your life. He stated that sometimes you have to roll with punches
and keep moving. He is my hero and his unconditional love is
what keeps me strong,"
Nicole Feast
"My beloved daddy taught me a lot of things in life.
To be generous because it will come back to me a hundred fold...
To have open arms for those who need help and a listening ear to facts...
To love my mom regardless of any conflicts we may have because
nobody can replace her... My father taught me unconditional love...
I miss you and love you so much my dear angel, my daddy!,"
Judy R. Collin
"My dad taught me how to iron clothes.
He and I are both left handed and he showed me how to iron
using the larger side of the ironing board and do it properly.
I know that this is not a significant thing in life,
but it is something I always remember.
Also good since my mom never knew how to iron,"
Emily Thomas Strickland
"That all the water in the world can't
sink your ship unless you let it in,"
Heather Towles Hilmer
"My dad taught me how to check my own car fluids, jump start
my own car and change my own tires. He also taught me when
you are lost, always head east, especially on the freeways!
Most of all, my daddy taught me how to be an independent,
smart, strong and tough-as-nails woman!,"
Lea Centeno
"Act in such a way that you will
be proud of it tomorrow,"
Sandra Knopf
"To never lie. My father passed away when I was 9 years old.
One day when I was about 7, he asked me if I was playing
on our haystacks. I said no. Little did I know that he
was watching me. I lied right to his face. Needless to say
I got a little pop to the lips and never lied again,"
Lori Wetzel-Moore
"Honesty, loyalty and always be on time,"
Tammy Catalan
"Take the jacket, camera, snack, etc. with you. It's better to
have it and not need it than need it and not have it,"
Marie Arriaga
"My dad was also my coach for most of my childhood and
he taught me that hard work and determination pay off,"
Alex Inouye
"We were camping one day and I was standing next to
my dad and a couple guys walk by and whistle and make
a couple remarks to me. I asked my dad, 'Why do men
always do that?' He said it's sad when they stop looking,
so enjoy the attention!,"
Mary Andres
"Love, respect, contribution, honesty,
hard work and more love,"
Sandra Farina