What We Love about Mom
May, 2015 - Issue #127
We wanted to know: What makes your mom special? Your answers made us smile - and cry! Want to join the conversation? "Like" Inside SCV Magazine on Facebook!

"I love my mom because she is always there for me and makes me smile!,"
Jill Kormann Brochtrup

"My mom is special because she is always helping everyone. She is a 15 year breast cancer survivor. She decided that if she beat this she would go on and help those who need it and that's what she does - every day! My mom is a rockstar to me!,"
Andrea Restivo Gagnon

"My mom went to heaven this past August and while it hurts every day to not have her with me, I know she is looking over me
and keeping my family and I safe,"
Julie Tavares

"I love that when she made a poor choice as a young woman, she made an even harder, selfless choice in order to do what was best - not what was easiest. She got pregnant at 17 and let me go so I could have a better life than her youthful self could offer. The hardest choice any mother could ever make - and she made it before she could even vote. For that I am eternally grateful and amazed," Jennifer Griffin

"I love my mom because even at 70
she still acts like a teenager! She got
another tattoo today! She rocks!,"
Debbie Libbey-Royce

"I love my mom because we have fun together. She turned 80 last September and we celebrated with slots and lemon drops. Her favorite thing to do is go to casinos,"
Renee Marshall
"All that I loved and love about my mom I wish I had been smart enough to realize when she was with us. I know she knew how much we all loved her, but not a day goes by that I wish I would have hugged her just one more time or told her what a great job she did. How she taught us to be accepting of everyone. How she instilled the simple meaning of what family is and should always be. How unselfish she was and how much she loved being 'Mom.' She taught us how to shop, how to cook, how to clean and how to love. For all the simple lessons she taught I most of all wish I had told her how very important she was every day of her life,"
Susan Updegraft

"I love my mom for teaching me how to be a mom, to love, share and take care of those you love. Although in Heaven, she still has a large impact on the family she and Dad created out of love. We know what true love really is and what family means. I love you so so much mom and miss you every day. You should be very proud of the
family you have raised,"
Bonnie Shandelson

"I love my mom for her courage and power to leave eight kids behind in a small country so she could come to the US to make a better life for us. Eight years later she went back to El Salvador to get us. I didn't see my mom for eight long years. I was 4 years old when she left me and I saw her again when I was 12. I love that she never gave up and that she wasn't afraid to leave us in order
to make a better future for us,"
Sandra Villeda Lopez
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