Fit Bits
June, 2016 - Issue #140

Summer Fun at Cycleup Includes Happy Hour Rides
Cycleup bumps up your "summer fun" quotient while giving you a cool break from the heat. Escape SCV's scorching temps and ride indoors with any of their entertaining instructors. Don't wilt away in the hot summer sun and minimize your efforts! Bring it indoors where you can keep the intensity high and burn up those calories instead of burning up outdoors. Pump up the fun on Friday nights with their Summer Happy Hour Rides - and join them in June for an exciting two-year Anniversary Celebration. Want even more? Be part of the Indoor Boot Camp series and boost your fitness with a full-body circuit workout with the best trainers in the SCV. Cycleup has everything you need to keep your fitness ventures cool and exciting.
Cycleup 645-3060

Boys, brews & More at Bella Barre
Bella Barre and Wolf Creek Restaurant & Brewing Co. are teaming up to bring you "Boys & Brews," happening the fourth Thursday of the month at 6:30pm, beginning May 26. Strengthen and tone with your "boy," then enjoy a brew by the finest brewery in town! Cost is only $15 per person and includes an hour class, a fresh-crafted beer and some of Wolf Creek's famous tapenade.

Kick off Memorial Day weekend with Bella Barre's brand-new, customer-designed yoga class ready to take the SCV by storm. If you love yoga, you're going to be obsessed with this newest class, designed to challenge you in ways you never knew possible - and it's all set to fun, uplifting pop music!
And here's something else to look forward to: On Friday, June 3, Bella Barre will host their Summer Slim Down Launch Party featuring Boys+Arrows swimwear. You can find the details at
Bella Barre 299-7767

Organic Meal Delivery service is Helping SCVians Meet Fitness & Health Goals
Since day one, Plate Therapy clients have been invigorated, passionate promoters of the brand and are eager to share their stories of weight loss, muscle gain, inflammation reduction, improved mood, better sleep and more. These stories of transformation and therapeutic results actually inspired the name "Plate Therapy."

The company, which provides weekly delivery of highest-quality, fresh and delicious organic food that's free of gluten, dairy and sugar, is both Whole 30 and Paleo friendly. Plate Therapy is more than "just" a meal service: For many clients, it's a life changer.

"I love working with and hearing from our clients," says Plate Therapy Founder Danielle McPartlin. "So many of them tell us that they now have the time and energy to really commit to an exercise program. The foods we create are intended to give your body absolutely everything it needs to operate optimally. Our customers are getting more done at work, thinking more clearly, feeling their moods stabilize and they're losing weight, getting toned and feeling amazing. It's incredibly fulfilling to play such an important role in people's lives."

"This has been a game-changer for me," says Inside SCV Magazine Publisher Jeanna Crawford. "After four months 'in treatment,' I can truly say that Plate Therapy has changed my life." The busy professional, wife and mother of two young boys has lost over 30 pounds since using the convenient service. "The goal was nutrition and one of the side effects happened to be weight loss. Now I am fueling my body with what it needs and craves - while eating real food. My workouts are more powerful and I'm not reaching for sugary snacks or caffeine to get me through the day. If you are fit, this food will make you fitter. If you're struggling with fueling your body properly, it will end the struggle with ease all while training your mind to want what your body needs. When we dine out now, I am able to order with ease and still feel satiated. This has been an entirely effortless process. My favorite part is watching my friends thrive once starting. Seeing is believing and I'm seeing them transform both mentally and physically." Log onto the Plate Therapy website by Wednesday at 5pm and they will fill your fridge with their delicious meals on Sunday.

How to Lose Approximately 600 Calories in 30 Minutes at Organic Sweat Shack
Organic Sweat Shack's popularity is growing at a break-neck pace thanks to glowing reviews from clients who've seen improvements like reduction in acne and eczema; better immune function; faster muscle recovery; soothing sleep; cellulite reduction and more. One of the biggest boons, though, is the Shack's infrared sauna solution to calorie burning. Medical journals have touted infrared's ability to help you burn approximately 600 calories in 30 minutes during your relaxing sauna stay. Here's how it works: When you enter your cedar-lined Organic Sweat Shack's sauna, your body is exposed to an increased external temperature which then speeds up the metabolic process of vital organs and endocrine glands. Your body burns calories faster as it works to maintain and cool your internal temp.

At Organic Sweat Shack, your body benefits from more than just a calorie burn. Aside from water, sweating also removes salt, reduces heavy metals in your system and decreases fat-stored toxins. Removing salt from your body results in healthy water weight loss; no more bloat! Excess salts require water in order to stay nontoxic in the body. Heavy metals hinder proper digestion and lead to weight gain, too. Lucky for you, many are released during your deep sauna-sweat experience, along with environmental toxins. Fat-stored toxins often prohibit weight loss from occurring until they are eliminated from the body. Ready to feel and see the results of this complex thermoregulatory process that brings you relaxation, health and wellness - plus weight loss? New clients can experience their first sweat for only $25 and "new sweat-er" dads sweat for free on Father's Day (Existing client "dads" can sweat for free on Father's Day when they are accompanied by a full-price companion.).
Organic Sweat Shack 678-0880
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