Mind Body Soul
February, 2019 - Issue #173

That's Hot
Baby, it's cold outside. Get hot and (un)bothered with these two sweat-making spots.

Sweat Never Felt this Sexy
Warm Up to a New You at Drenched

Working out in a heated space can leave you, well... drenched, which is the entire point of attending classes at Drenched in Valencia. The toasty-room studio functions as center stage for "Drenched dolls," participants of every age and fitness level who gather here for the warm welcome - and warm environment. Dripping with sweat as they sculpt a tinier waistline, define lean arms and create a firm, tight bootie, the goal here is to achieve a "dancer's physique" - without the choreography. There's no pressure for perfection; modifications are offered and taken advantage of throughout every class - even, or especially the ones that feel like a bumpin' night club, without the next-day hangover. At Drenched, the music is loud, the teachers are sassy swaggering sweethearts and the workout is legit. Choose from classes with weights, barre, resistance bands, gliders, trampolines or nothing at all to lengthen muscles, burn fat and sweat it out surrounded by love and positive energy. Right now, Drenched is offering a new-client special: 30 days for only $89.
Drenched 713-2601

Make Your Valentine's Day Sizzle
with Organic Sweat Shack

It is no secret that a healthy, vibrant libido depends on a healthy, vibrant lifestyle. Our bodies are designed and created to live a full and rich life, however men and women alike often find that their sexual vitality can come to an abrupt halt due to life stressors, fatigue, lack of exercise and poor diet. The result can make for a not-so-romantic Valentine's Day.

That's where Organic Sweat Shack comes in. They know that working from the inside out is the best way to "feel health" and that adding infrared heat therapy to your routine will increase your body's ability to release excess toxins that can be stored, wreaking havoc on your physical and emotional well-being. Shack guests often find relief from the many symptoms of manopause and menopause, including insomnia, restlessness, anxiety, cloudy thinking, and - yes - reduced sex drive.
Infrared stimulates the enzyme nitric oxide synthase (NOS) within blood-vessel walls. This leads to the production of more nitric oxide within blood vessels, which, in turn, leads to blood vessel relaxation, lower blood pressure and increased sexual function.

Ready to give it a try? Visit the Shack on Valentine's Day and your sweetie sweats for free when sharing the same sauna with your purchase of a Signature Sweat.
Organic Sweat Shack 678-0880

These impurities can be released from your body via sweat - so be sure to towel or rinse off after a good drenching.
arsenic • cadmium • lead • mercury
bisphenol-A (BPA) • phthalates

WINTER Wonderland
We checked in with our favorite unnamed know it all to answer all your pressing winter-themed questions. You're welcome.
If you're wondering...

Where did my holiday vacation time go?

It was probably eaten up by family and social obligations. Ready for a recharge? Spend a weekend in a local snowy retreat town. It'll still feel holiday-y, but noticeably devoid of stress and timetables.

Why do I crave chocolate?
It's not because your bod's begging for an extra layer of insulation. It's more likely due to the fact that A) chocolate is delicious and B) you probably spent a lot of your stored magnesium on the hurried holidays (Sense a pattern here?). Dark chocolate contains a food-sourced boost of mag, so eat up on this stress-reducing nutrient guilt free.

Why am I tempted to gather all my belongings and set them on fire?
Most likely, it's because you've been binge watching the new "Tidying Up With Marie Kondo" on Netflix and now you know that excess crud is the reason you fight with your spouse and don't floss. Hold back on the arson, though, and go the "donate" route instead. Right now, there are a few warm-coat drives happening - find 'em.

Self-love Mantras for 2019
I am enough.
I am proud of myself.
I have everything I need.
My body takes good care of me.
I am healthy at any size.
I trust and know my body.
I am deserving and worthy of good things.
I am grateful.
I am the author of my story.
I can do it; I am doing it.
My possibilities are endless.

Give it to Me Straight
Surprising Stats on American Opinions about Smiles
Are you part of the over 80 percent of Americans who would give up something they enjoy in order to achieve a more-attractive smile? You can get it with Zoom Whitening and Invisalign - no sacrifice necessary!

29 percent of Americans say the first aspect of someone's face they typically notice is his or her teeth; 24 percent say this is also the facial aspect that they remember the most after meeting someone.

45 percent of people who say that folks with straight teeth are more likely than those with crooked teeth to get a job when competing with someone with similar skills and experience.
58 Percent who say that people with straight teeth are more likely to be wealthy and successful, in comparison to those with crooked teeth.

You're 57 percent more likely to get a date on an online dating site - based on your picture alone - if you have straight teeth.
38 percent of the US who would consider not going on Date #2 with someone they found to have misaligned teeth. That's much higher than the number who would say "no" to a second date if they found out their new friend lived with their parents (23 Percent!).

21 Percent of people with straight teeth are more likely to be seen as happy; they're also 47 percent more likely to be viewed as being healthy and 38 percent more likely to be perceived as smart.

57 Percentage of Americans who would rather have a nice smile than clear skin.
Call Santa Clarita Advanced Dentistry for a consultation. 200-0677

"I feel the best I have in years thanks to Results Fitness's Metabolism Makeover! I have changed eating habits not just for me but my whole family. I never felt 'alone' through the process. I learned more about my health in six short weeks than I did in a year on my own. The Results team did a fantastic job giving everyone individualized time for questions/concerns and was a great motivator. This is just the beginning - I have so many new tools thanks to Metabolism Makeover! I loved everything about this experience - it was so rewarding and educational. I am now a healthier person!"
Sandra Guluzza
Get Those Goals!
Goal: Make fitness part of your lifestyle.
Exercise, nutrition and meaningful connections can have a big impact on your health - and in this busy world, the more we can combine all three, the more likely we are to create consistent habits that make a big difference in our lives.

The Paseo Club team believes that fitness is a way of life; that's why the SCV's premier fitness and lifestyle club offers such a broad variety of exercise and social opportunities. Want to see it for yourself? On January 17 through January 20, The Paseo Club will host the Paseo Palooza Open House. This is your opportunity to see how one affordable monthly membership can make a big impact in your life - for the better.

During the Palooza, enjoy a variety of activities and opportunities to connect on all four days. Take advantage of free exercise classes, kids fitness experiences, Meet the Pros tennis drills, the Polar Plunge, pickleball drop in and so much more - all complimentary. Plus, RSVP for yourself and a guest for the Saturday, January 19 special event and get entered into a drawing for a five-day, four-night Mexico resort vacation. Get full details online.

Goal: Challenge yourself.
What differences would you see in your body, feel in your soul and experience in your stress level if you committed to 40 yoga classes in 60 days? That's the concept behind Rising Lotus Yoga's "40 in 60" challenge that begins on January 19. Only $20 to register and non-members can purchase 60 days of yoga for $199. This challenge will connect you to a wide range of classes that can get you sweating, tone you from head to toe, calm your nervous system or even relax you with essential oils and Reiki. Whether you sign up for Flow, Urban Zen or any of their numerous other classes, you'll find Rising Lotus to be welcoming, warm and inclusive.
Rising Lotus Yoga 200-7293

Goal: Make over your metabolism.
Results Fitness's famed Metabolism Makeover program begins in early 2019 - and clients lose up to 30 pounds during the four-week program. This all-encompassing makeover opportunity stimulates body and mind, teaching both new habits that can result in you achieving "the best body of your life." Your Results Fitness Metabolism Makeover team then provides two additional weeks of transition to ensure that the changes stick.
Past participants have lost an average of 15 to 30 pounds of fat while maintaining muscle, thanks to the hands-on exercise classes, menu planning (You can even have your food made for you.), accountability check ins, education and support. An interview is required to ensure that you're prepared and motivated to make a real change. Hurry - the next session begins February 2.
Results Fitness 799-7900

Plate Therapy Grab N Go Meals Now Available at Results Fitness
Your next bite of deliciousness could be paleo/Whole 30 friendly - and easier to get than a drive thru, for about the same price. Plate Therapy's from-scratch gluten-free, ultra-nourishing selections are wholesome, convenient highlights to your day that infuse your cells with the building blocks your body needs for max health, happiness and productivity. Ready for a taste? Grab your fave at the newest pickup spot: Results Fitness in Old Town Newhall.
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