Mind Body Soul
April, 2019 - Issue #175
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courtesy of Shutterstock

Yoga, Because...
A regular yoga practice will help you relieve pain, gain mobility (Which is strength, combined with flexibility!) and maintain better focus, balance and coordination.
It evokes calm and relieves stress.
Yoga helps you be better at what you love - whether that's playing with your grandkids on the floor, completing a triathlon or running a business.
Rising Lotus Yoga 200-7293

How Low-level Light Laser Treatment Works
An incredible amount has been written about Low Level Light Laser Treatment (LLLT) serving as an effective treatment for acute and chronic pain - but how? The science can be dense and confusing for lay people.
Here's the best explanation we've found so far.
First, understand that, like other light you experience, LLLT doesn't heat the tissue targeted for healing. Instead, light is absorbed by your cells' mitochondria. These energy-producing cellular parts then increase overall cellular energy production - and that is what assists in healing the affected tissue.
It's a simple explanation for a complex cellular process but, in the end, the most important point is: it's been proven to work for pain relief and injury. You can try it for free with no obligation when mentioning Inside SCV at time of booking.
MB Laser Therapy Pain Health Management 888-1276

Smooth Cellulite with a Sauna Sweat Sesh
Your body works hard to maintain its core temperature in a far infrared sauna, which is why you can burn up to 600 calories in a 30-minute session. That fat loss can definitely reduce the look of cellulite - but there's more benefit to be had. Because infrared waves pass deeper into your tissues than a conventional sauna, waste and retained water are stimulated for cellular release. Your body removes these cellulite-promoting elements naturally through sweat, urine and elimination, leaving behind a healthier, smoother you.
Organic Sweat Shack 678-0880

Drenched's "Sweat of Shame"

You'll sweat out "last night's escapades" in this 45-minute class that mixes pilates, yoga and weighted exercises. The "no judgement zone" class will burn calories while releasing toxins so that you feel as good as you did the night before!

What it Means to #AgeStrong
by Rachel Cosgrove • photography by Lindsay Schlick
What's the point of working out if you're not building functional strength? Sure - you might look good, but feeling good's even better. (And, when you feel good, you look good - imagine that!). When we're educating physical trainers from across the country, a big part of what we discuss is this: Strong is the new "skinny." People want to feel fit, stay active and avoid illness and injury as they age.
In order to accomplish that, training has to be a precise engagement of the entire body. It can be a delicate dance, which is why working out with diligent professionals is so important. Accommodating for years-old injuries (While building atrophied muscles!), finding the balance between "pushed" and "pushed too hard," constantly re-evaluating goals in relationship to progress so that plateaus are avoided and real gains are made - the details are what help bodies "age strong."
Many of our clients in their 40s, 50s, 60s and 70s tell us that they've never been so fit in their entire lives. They're signing up for hikes and races, participating in fitness competitions - things that, at a younger age, they never thought they'd be able to do.
But they're doing them - and a million other things that come when renewed confidence in how their body works (And looks!) leads the way to a life better lived.
Results Fitness 799-7900

Everybody Poops & Other Things to Remember when Considering a Colonic
It's often reported that celebrities like Janet Jackson, Usher - even Princess Di - have sworn by colonics, but even everyday Americans are fans. When eating the Standard American Diet (SAD), which is low in fiber and high in products that take a long time to digest (We're lookin' at you, cheeseburger!), things can get... backed up. That means more bloating, constipation, reduced nutrient absorption, lethargy and more.
What to do? Poop. A lot.
And that's where a colonic comes in. Very gentle (We've done it, we swear!), very effective and very necessary, this relaxing process uses a gravity feed (No shooting water up there!) to encourage the release of build up.
What you should know:
Your colon is about the last five or six feet of your digestive system - which is why an enema is not the same as a colonic. The drug-store version doesn't get "up there," affecting only about the last 12 inches.
The only person putting anything up anywhere is you. During a private moment, you insert a very thin rectal tube that only "goes in" about 1.5 to 2 inches. After you're fully covered, your therapist will enter and assist you with a gentle abdominal massage over your medical-grade sheet if you like.
There are no embarrassing smells, noises or surprises. The specialized table is in constant "flush" mode. Peek into the clear tube alongside the table to see what was up there.
You really should do it. You'll feel better, you'll be encouraged to eat better and many clients report that it helps with acne, backaches, energy levels and more. Plus, you can take $20 off your first appointment when you book your colon hydrotherapy treatment. Call for details.
Optimum Health 253-2900
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