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"PILATES helps you become aware of and work on differences you might have between both sides of the body. Bringing this balance to the body is extremely important, as incorrect posture and imbalances are the cause of many aches and pains throughout the body, as well as joint problems and headaches."
What You Need to Know About... Pilates
What is Pilates?
Pilates is a form of exercise that aims to build strength, particularly in the core, and brings balance to the body.
What is a Pilates session like?
Most Pilates exercises could be described as a controlled flow of movement. Pilates strongly emphasizes the proper use of the core to support the spine and create stability through the center. The core muscles are the deepest layer of lower abdominal muscles - two major ones being the pelvic floor and traverse abdominis, and the deep lower back muscles closest to the spine.
What are the primary benefits?
Correctly activating core muscles enables the spine and rest of the body to move safely without causing pain or damage and also improves the strength and flexibility in other areas of the body. In addition to building a strong core, Pilates exercises are also designed to improve posture and correct imbalances. The practice aims to strengthen the weaker, more unused muscles and release the tighter ones.
Pilates Pros+ is currently offering specials for new students starting at $39. Pilates Pros+ 295-0700
Friday | June 21
Summer Solstice at Sunrise
Enjoy a summer SOUL-Stice party! You'll start with slow, meditative movements that progress into an upbeat ecstatic dance. It's just what you need to kickstart that sunny summer energy and get your body moving! It's like going to the club - but in the morning, and without the hangover!
Saturday | June 22
Sound Bath
At 7:15pm, let the soothing sound waves calm your nervous system, reduce anxiety and boost your mood.
Rising Lotus Yoga 200-7293
 Results Fitness |
Going Beyond your Expectations
"I can't do that." "I'm not athletic." "I'm too old."
Excuses much?
Last month, Results Fitness's Obstacle Course Team showed up in Big Bear for the US National Series Beast Race and US Mountain Series Sprint Course. The results were outstanding, with one competitor earning major points towards the World Championships and two others positioned to qualify for the Spartan World Championships.
Sounds like the work of elite athletes, doesn't it? Then you'll be surprised to know that the majority of Results' OCT members are not who you'd consider competitive. There are members in their 60s and 70s; new moms; self-described "couch potatoes" and more. Their one commonality: They decided to do something they were nearly certain they couldn't do.
It's not hyperbole to say that lives have been changed with newfound confidence, athleticism and healthier habits. "The Results philosophy is, 'If you've got a body, you're an athlete!'" says co-founder Rachel Cosgrove. "We train for strength - both physical and mental. We build resilience by meeting people where they're at and taking every step alongside them as they grow."
Right now, Results Fitness is offering a 30-day VIP experience that is changing lives. You'll get semi-private training, a variety of classes, a custom program and accountability. "Most importantly, you get us," says Cosgrove. "We've got your back!"
Results Fitness 799-7900
Health Tip:
Take care of your mouth for overall health.
Unhealthy teeth and gums can increase your risk of stroke, heart attack, pre-term labor and more.
Snow Orthodontics 799-0775
 Drenched |
Class of the Month
Hot Boxing at Drenched
Want more cardio - and to look bad ass while doing it? This combo class will leave you swinging and sweating, thanks to mix-weight work with high-intensity interval training at the bag. This knockout of a workout will leave you feeling strong, lean and mean - and it's available at Drenched's gorgeous new Valencia location.
Drenched 713-2601
 Motivate |
Sophia Vergara, Vanessa Hudgens, Alessandra Ambrosio, Kim Kardashian, Brook Burke, Ben Stiller, Michelle Obama and Eva Longoria are all fans of Lagree fitness!
Meet your Motivation
Motivate Valencia's Lagree fitness method stars the M3 Megaformer, your new toned-bod BFF. Here's why it's one of the best workouts out there.
You're workin'... The slow-twitch muscle fibers found in your endurance muscles. These are your longer, thinner fat-burning fibers that will keep on plowing through calories long after class.
Expect... Slow, controlled movements with muscles under constant tension. Yeah, you'll shake, but there's less opportunity for injury with little to no impact on the joints.
You won't miss a class because... You schedule it, like a doctor's appointment. Plus, it's fun - and who can resist the opportunity to burn between 500 and 800 calories in a 45-minute sesh?
Motivate 713-8099
Detox for Vibrant Health
 courtesy of Shutterstock |
Organic Sweat Shack Launches New Full-spectrum Line of Saunas
It's like the sauna experience you already love, but now with more health-boosting goodness! Full-spectrum saunas include all three levels of infrared:
Near Infrared Shown to increase oxygenation of tissues and speed wound healing.
Mid Infrared Indicated for increase in circulation, pain relief and metabolism stimulation.
Far Infrared Exceptional detoxifier, improves blood pressure.
Using patented Tecoloy heaters, Organic Sweat Shack's new saunas have been proven to produce substantial improvements in cellular function, resulting in a wide range of health benefits. Sit back, relax and detox as you burn about 600 calories in your 30-minute session.
Organic Sweat Shack 678-0880
Two, Three & Seven Day Cleanses
Now being Offered at Optimum Health & Wellness
Optimum Health & Wellness has found the cleanse - and we can't wait to try it! They're calling it the Seven Day Cleanse, though you can use it as a two- or three-day cleanse, too.
Here's why you gotta try: Research has proven repeatedly that reducing caloric intake by 30 percent can significantly increase life span and reduce the onset and severity of chronic and genetically predisposed disease.
This cleanse is designed to reduce your food intake while providing the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that your body needs. It's an integrated system of self-purification that combines the benefits of fasting, fibrous intestinal cleansers, nutritional supplements and daily colon irrigation. The complete program helps rejuvenate every organ, tissue and cell in the body!
Expect great results from this all-natural product, which can also be used as a Daily Maintenance Program to derive the benefits of nutritional supplementation and calorie restriction.
Optimum Health & Wellness 255-7772