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Why getting Sweaty Needs to be Part of your "Back to You" Plan
30 Minutes. By. Your. Sweet. Self! Alone time never felt so good.
Hanging out solo in your birthday suit gives you time to reflect on all your body has done for you. Here's your chance to say "thank you."
Ever noticed how good you look under chromotherapy sauna lights? Choose your fave (Red is especially sexy!) and snap that sauna selfie.
Napping in the sauna is highly recommended. That quick snooze, coupled with the healing power of far-infrared sauna heat, will work to restore and rejuvenate you at the cellular level.
Appointments are available and now even more convenient to book, thanks to the wellness company's new app.
The Sweat Shack 678-0880
It's Time for a Revolution that Begins Within Each of Us
by Angela Paretta
There's a truth you're carrying deep inside of you that, if you think about it too hard, can make you feel either incredibly uncomfortable or euphoric - or both. It's a simple truth but one that's universal in application.
There's something better out there for you.
Our collective has been through immense trauma but - like any great pain that has been survived - there are opportunities for lessons, growth and, always: gratitude.
I'm incredibly thankful for the teachings the last 18 months have provided. It gave me the time, space and focus to identify my new priorities; reconfigure my business; rediscover my passions and find fresh ways to bring all of those elements in perfect alignment in my life.
When I talk to my clients, I hear in their voices - and feel in their energy that they've changed, too. We are all more - and less. We vibrate with more resilience and tenacity than we had in 2019 and we are markedly less willing to work the dead-end job, go through the motions in a dead-end relationship, accept the traditional dead-end life.
A revolution is coming - one that bubbles up in each of our hearts and feels like hope. It will be a revolution that is made strong with small, daily actions that intentionally move us closer to who we were meant to be, what we were meant to do and who we were meant to do it with.
There's something better out there for each of us. Let's go get it - together.
Angela Parretta is the owner of Drenched, a fitness studio and lifestyle brand headquartered in Valencia. drenchedla.com
Cryotherapy isn't just for physical recovery.
Studies have shown that the cold exposure during a two- to three-minute cryotherapy session stimulates the body to release endorphins. Research indicates that it reduces levels of depression, helps with insomnia and calms anxiety, too.
Mend Cryotherapy 294-7898