Working for a Healthy Santa Clarita
May, 2005 - Issue #7
Santa Clarita
Santa Clarita's city council takes their Healthy Santa Clarita campaign very seriously. Council members include (from left to right) Bob Kellar, Cameron Smyth, Marsha McLean, Laurene Weste and Frank Ferry
Healthy Santa Clarita, a goal adopted by the City Council for 2005, is in response to the growing number of obese adults and children in the United States. Nationwide, one out of two adults is overweight or obese and 54 percent of all adults are not regularly active. The prevalence of overweight and obese children and adolescence has doubled since 1980. Children now spend a minimum of four hours a day watching television on average, and approximately 300,000 U.S. deaths a year are associated with obesity and being overweight.

The Healthy Santa Clarita program includes sharing information with elementary and junior high school children about the importance of eating well, drinking plenty of water and getting daily exercise, but it doesn't stop there. The city is launching a special Healthy Santa Clarita website this month,, which will provide a calendar of local events for healthy activities, tips for kids, teens and adults on how to lead a healthy lifestyle, plus a special directory of local businesses that augment healthy living.

Get Fit without Ever Stepping on a Treadmill

Enjoy the outdoors, learn more about nature, and get healthy without the boring repetition of a treadmill. This information and more can also be found at

Saturday, May 7
Santa Clarita Sierra Club - Mentryville
Location: Gate to Mentryville. Take I-5 to Lyons Avenue exit, go west and follow road (Pico Canyon) a few miles to end.
Time: 9 a.m.
Contact: Ed Benison (254-7517)
Moderate 5 mile, 1000' gain through historic oil town and surrounding hillsides in Santa Clarita Valley. Bring water, lug soles, and snack. Rain cancels.

Sunday, May 8
Wildflower Walk
Location: Placerita Canyon Nature Center , 19152 Placerita Canyon Road, Newhall
Time: 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Contact: Ian Swift (259-7721)
See over 425 species of flowering plants. Learn about pollination, native plant gardens. For all ages. A short (less than 1 mile) walk.

Saturday, May 14
Bird Walk
Location: Placerita Canyon Nature Center, 19152 Placerita Canyon Road, Newhall
Time: 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Contact: Ian Swift (259-7721)
For beginning to advanced birders. See our 150+ local bird species.

Sunday, May 15
Santa Clarita Sierra Club Placerita Canyon Stroll
Location: Walker Ranch area of Placerita County Park. Take 14 freeway, exit Placerita Canyon road, go south to park and continue 1.75 miles past main entrance to gated entrance of Walker Ranch.
Time: 9 a.m.
Contact: Melinda Arredondo (298-9024) and Henry Schultz (284-5613)
Easy 4 mile stroll along streambed and through Placerita Canyon. See new growth in recovering burn area. Bring water, snack, and lug soles. Rain cancels.

Sunday, May 22
Santa Clarita Sierra Club East Canyon Scramble
Location: At entrance to Ed Davis/Towsley Canyon Park. Take I-5 to Calgrove exit, west to the Old Road, south to park entrance.
Time: 9 a.m.
Contact: Henry Schultz (284-5613) and Gaylon Rodin (263-0568)
Moderate 6 mile, 1400' gain adventure hike through lush vegetation in Santa Clarita Woodlands, half on fire road and half off trail. Bring water, lunch, long pants and lug soles.

Sunday, May 22
Waterfall Hike
Location: Placerita Canyon Nature Center, 19152 Placerita Canyon Road, Newhall
Time: 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Contact: Ian Swift (259-7721)
A 5 mile round-trip hike to the Waterfall in Los Pinetos Canyon. Mostly shaded, but the hike is recommended for ages 12 and over. Be sure to wear hiking boots and sun block. Bring water and appropriate clothing.
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