Get Fit in 2006
January, 2006 - Issue #15
Studies have shown that Americans have one thing in common at the beginning of every new year: most of us include some type of fitness goal in our list of resolutions.

When you enjoy your fitness routine, you are more likely to stick to it, and that increases your chance of success.

From pole dancing to karate, Santa Clarita is full of opportunities to lose weight, tone up, build muscle and stay healthy. Whether you're a fitness traditionalist or are looking for something new, Inside SCV connects you to the professionals that will get you on track to a better life!

The Kalyn Center
(661) 252-3219

Under the supervision of Dr. Yolanda Suarez, clients of The Kalyn Center have lost weight and kept it off (one employee has already lost 70 pounds and is still losing!).

After fully customizing a menu plan, complete with a grocery list, the doctor meets with patients twice a month to re-evaluate the plan. The constant attention eliminates weight loss plateaus and keeps clients motivated.

Clients receive two free personal training sessions, weekly weigh-ins, B-12 shots, discounted Botox and Restylane, access to walking/jogging/running groups and much more. Every age and gender can benefit from medically supervised weight loss.

Dr. Suarez, a former assistant professor at USC, is friendly and knowledgeable. With every patient a success story, she's also a sought-after resource in the SCV.

Sidekicks Academy
(661) 251-0761

The entire family will enjoy burning calories, building muscle, increasing flexibility and developing a centuries-old skill while practicing martial arts. Sidekicks offers women's kickboxing, family classes, mixed martial arts, jiujitsu, sparring and adult kickboxing in a state-of-the-art facility, including a boxing ring. Teachers are skilled and encouraging.

Live Life Fit
(661) 312-4239

Don't have time to go to the gym? Live Life Fit brings the gym to you! Strength train in your living room with owner Tami Lindahl's custom circuit program while receiving professional nutritional advice. Experience training all ages, including children and seniors, helps Tami create a non-intimidating, hyper-effective workout environment. Ditch the gym memberships and live life fit.

Fitness Edge Boot Camp
(661) 671-6500

Men and women of all ages and fitness levels can get in the best shape of their life by entering "boot camp." Set outdoors, rain or shine (either at 5:30 a.m. or 5:30 p.m.), clients join motivational instructors three or five days a week for a six week session. The course includes comprehensive before and after health screenings, individualized nutritional counseling, life coaching/goal setting course, challenging cardio and resistance workouts, and more! Be ready to work hard, be accountable and see results - fast.

Goddess Fitness Studio
(661) 251-2831

This dance and fitness studio provides sensual, strenuous exercise opportunities in a comfortable environment. Owned by a mother of three, The Goddess Studio offers prenatal/Mommy & Me yoga baby classes, belly dancing, yolates (yoga and Pilates), ballet, Island and Indian dance, burlesque, pole work and more! Every class will move you towards your goal of losing weight and building beautiful muscle and tone. Be ready to sweat, smile and channel your inner goddess!

Hot Yoga Valencia
(661) 257-9955

Yoga aficionados and newbies alike flock to Hot Yoga for a wide range of classes and to work their muscles in a heated environment! Classes like the popular belly dancing course, offered on Wednesday night, embrace all ages, body types and fitness levels. Students will learn the ancient art of yoga while losing weight, building and toning muscle, and quieting the mind. Highly-trained teachers are easy to follow and motivational.

Pick Up the Pace
(661) 513-1190

Circuit training is fast, fun and effective, and when it's done at Pick Up the Pace, it includes free childcare. In a woman-only noncompetitive environment, clients of this 30-minute fitness club burn fat and tone muscle by using adjustable equipment made to work with a woman's body. Coupled with the support and advice of a professional staff, free monthly measurements/body fat analysis and quality nutrition products, it's easy to pick up the pace in your fitness routine.

Training by Jen
(661) 904-3627

Jennifer Aukes is not a "treadmill trainer." She's lost 60 pounds, is the mother of three, and has created popular spinning classes for gyms like Spectrum. Working out in her gym, clients will benefit from an evolving fitness program that's anything but routine. Burn calories with this Tae Bo-certified instructor, develop muscle with resistance training, or hop on the bike for the ride of your life. Men and women of all fitness levels are invited to get in shape for life.

Studio Diva
(661) 799-2804

Embrace the diva in you. Studio Diva's wide variety of classes and services (they also have a full day spa) create a never-want-to-leave environment. Join Diva Dolls, a burlesque dance class, or T-Tapp, fitness with lymphatic drainage. Laughter Yoga will light up your day and Studio Diva Dance (erotic and pole dancing) will make your night. More traditional yoga and dance courses are also available.
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