Give Fat Cells the "Cold" Shoulder
New Non-invasive Treatment Destroys Fat for Good
September, 2012 - Issue #95
Fat cells can't survive among cold temperatures. So what would happen if you could freeze those stubborn love handles? Cool Sculpting, a recent FDA-approved treatment for fat reduction, has been getting international attention for killing fat. Programs like The Dr. Oz Show, Good Morning America and Nightline have been buzzing about this new approach to fat reduction.

Doctors agree that while healthy diet and exercise are still the best solution for weight loss, Cool Sculpting has shown results in patients with chronic problem areas such as love handles, stomach, abdomen, bra bulges, lower butt, thighs and anywhere you can grab a handful of fat. Many patients are finding a 20 to 25 percent reduction in fat after just two to four months.

Valencia dermatologist Dr. Bernard Raskin of Advanced Dermatology & Cosmetic Care was so impressed with the efficacy of the treatment that he knew it would be a perfect fit for Santa Clarita. "Patient results are highly impressive and are visually equivalent to losing 15 to 20 pounds. While you're not likely to lose weight, those who've had the Cool Sculpting treatment are thrilled to lose inches," said Raskin. "We've found that both men and women are excited about a quick, painless, affordable, non-invasive alternative to liposuction." We asked Dr. Raskin a few questions about what patients can expect when considering this treatment for themselves.

Who is the Ideal Cool Sculpting Patient?
Healthy individuals who are not looking to lose weight, but would like to lose inches near stubborn fat areas are the best patients for Cool Sculpting. If you can grab a handful of fat and you can't seem to lose it with diet and exercise, then Cool Sculpting would be a good option for you. This is not an effective procedure for loose skin, however. If that is an area of concern, there are other treatments that are more effective. (Call the office for details about Thermage!)

How does it Work?
The fat cells are targeted and cooled using an applicator cup created to vacuum specific areas of fat while the machine cools them, freezing the fat cells. When the cells freeze, the water inside them crystallizes. These crystallized cells are foreign to the body, so the body breaks them down and metabolizes them. Over time, this results in a reduction in fat cells and, ultimately, inches. The best part about this procedure is that the fat reduction is permanent. As long as patients maintain their healthy diet and exercise regimens, they should not see a reoccurrence of the old fat.

What can Patients Expect during the Procedure?
Each section takes one to two hours to treat. The procedure is non-invasive and other than a pulling sensation (similar to a vacuum), the patient will not feel any pain. Although the treatment works to freeze the fat cells, the temperature remains safe and comfortable for the skin, muscles and nerves. Some patients say they can feel the cold, but it isn't severe and won't require anesthesia. Patients may want to bring a book, laptop or just prepare to relax.

What should patients expect after the procedure?
There is no recovery time after the procedure. It is common for the area to be firm and red immediately after the treatment, but it should dissipate after about 20 minutes. Bruising, tingling or tenderness from the vacuum is also normal and will go away after a few weeks.

What are some of the Common Results you have Seen?
It is typical to see results after one treatment although some patients return for a second. It takes time for the body to flush out the crystallized fat cells, so the best results are seen over time. After two months a patient will see noticeable results, but they will likely see optimal results after three months." One caveat: Patients who use this procedure as a weight-loss solution and are not able to maintain their weight after the treatment will not see the results they are hoping for.

What does it Cost?
Typically, the cost starts around $1,500 and goes up depending on the number of areas being treated and how many treatments a patient completes. When compared to other medical treatments to reduce unsightly pockets of fat (liposuction, etc.) the cost is minimal - and there's no pain or recovery time to slow you down, either.
For more information about Cool Sculpting or to schedule a consultation, call Advanced Dermatology. 254-3686
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