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If you're like most people with less-than-perfect vision, you've probably dreamed of being free of glasses and contacts. Perhaps, like many people, price is the reason that you're "on the fence." Sure, you realize that you probably spend a small fortune each year on glasses, prescription sun glasses, contacts, contact solutions, eye drops and unquantifiable time and frustration. Of course you know that LASIK surgery can make those costs a thing of the past. But dropping $6,000 or more on the best LASIK procedure available seemed out of range.
If you can "pinch an inch," have a BMI of 30 or below and would love to lose your "handles," this may be the most exciting news you've read all week.
This is your year to feel better, look better and live better! Here's a guide to who can help you achieve the most important goal of all: improved health.
What's the key to heart health? The answer could be at the tip of your tongue - literally.
Do you suffer from headaches, dry mouth, itchiness or fatigue? Do you struggle to lose weight, even though you, for the most part, "eat healthy?" Do you have a hard time keeping blood pressure or cholesterol numbers low? Is your digestion "off?" How's your memory holding up? Do you ever experience "cognitive fog?" Do you have trouble maintaining your moods?
What if this year was the year you stuck to your New Year's resolutions and changed your health and fitness for the better? What does that kind of success look like? How does it feel? Visualizing our future success can serve as an incredible motivator, but your "can do" plan has to include more than a really detailed snapshot of the end result. You also need to decide on the "how." For many of us, clubs and services are our best bet to long-term health and fitness success. Here are two SCV favorites.
When you find a product that goes above and beyond your expectations, you want to tell a friend. And when that product happens to significantly reduce the appearance of wrinkles, skin discoloration and other beauty blunders, you want to tell all your friends.
When you were little, lasers probably inspired awe within you. You might even have wanted one - in the form of a sword. Today, you have even more reason to covet the power of lasers. They're still great at fighting evil - in the forms of wrinkles, hair loss, acne, hair removal and growth!
Fat cells can't survive among cold temperatures. So what would happen if you could freeze those stubborn love handles? Cool Sculpting, a recent FDA-approved treatment for fat reduction, has been getting international attention for killing fat. Programs like The Dr. Oz Show, Good Morning America and Nightline have been buzzing about this new approach to fat reduction.
"I'll be in and out of the car all day - not laying out at the beach." "We'll only be outside for a few minutes." "I don't burn - I just tan." These were the excuses I regularly heard every time I harangued my roommate about wearing sunscreen. "Unnecessary!" she would declare - until we worked on a story together about a young woman in her 20s struggling to survive after a diagnosis of melanoma. It was the wakeup call she needed.
Some women are so proud of theirs, they find countless ways to put them on display. Others believe that theirs are too big/too small/too low/too high/too saggy/too sloped/too pointy and spend countless hours covering them/padding them/mocking them.
If you've lived in Santa Clarita for more than a minute, you've probably heard very good things about Advanced Dermatology & Cosmetic Care and the office's lead physician, Dr. Bernard I. Raskin. For over three decades, Dr. Raskin and his professional, compassionate team have been on the cutting edge of skin cancer, acne, skin disorder and cosmetic treatments.
The Ivy Day Spa may have a familiar-sounding name and coveted location (the former residence of Glen Ivy Day Spa on Town Center Drive), but don't let those elements fool you; this is a new spa with a fresh take on relaxation and the ultimate in comfort.
Cold, hard fact: Extra pounds weigh you down - literally and figuratively. I know that my sedentary lifestyle is a self-perpetuating problem. I gained weight because I didn't "move" enough. I don't want to "move" because I'm tired and demotivated by my weight.
An Inside look at what's new with three of our local healthcare partners..
An insider look at a new location, tips on choosing your primary & specialist care and how Shock Wave Therapy can treat pain!
From advances in surgery to great ways to encourage awareness - PLUS tips on running and back pain!
Through events, education and fundraising efforts during October, Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Health Foundation and the Sheila R. Veloz Breast Imaging Center will team up to increase breast cancer awareness and improve the lives of breast cancer patients in the Santa Clarita Valley.
Indoor cycling, foot care and Light the Night - Celebrate life and fight for a cure for Blood Cancers
It was the chilled glass of cider that gave me the courage to ask my new friend a question that etiquette-book author Emily Post would not have approved of: "So, um... what have you gotten done?"
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