Pain No More
AVORS Co-founder Dr. Nasser Specializes in Improving Quality of Life
April, 2015 - Issue #126

The best sort of physician not only assists you in your recovery; they know what it's like to walk in your shoes.

That type of empathy is both rare and wonderful - and it's also available in spades from Antelope Valley Orthopaedic & Rehabilitation Specialists (AVORS) Medical Group co-founder Thomas Nasser, DO.

"I have a horrible back. I know how it feels to have an injury put your life on hold. I know how scary it can be going to the doctor's office to find out if you're going to be Ok," says Dr. Thomas Nasser, a board-certified physical medicine,
rehabilitation and pain management specialist.

The husband and father of three has devoted his life's work to treating injuries and illnesses that affect how his patients move, focusing on nerves, muscles and bones. The expert at diagnosing and treating pain and dysfunction prides himself on restoring maximum health and quality of life to individuals of all ages suffering from arthritis, neck and back pain, sports injuries, amputation, stroke, brain and spinal cord injury and much more.

"I want my patients to know that I care about them as human beings," says the avid skateboarder, who also enjoys playing basketball and the drums. "I am going to sit with them and hold their hand and listen."

This kind of care is what has made AVORS, now open in Valencia, such a success. The medical center, with four offices and a decade's worth of grateful patients, has cultivated a reputation for exceptional experiences.

"AVORS offers a very rare balance between surgical and non-surgical approaches. Here, those specialties don't oppose each other but often work synchronously. As a rehabilitation specialist, I know that my patient who required a knee replacement will experience the best outcome with an exceptional surgical team, and vice versa. AVORS surgeons work together with rehabilitation and pain management doctors like me to ensure the best outcomes for our patients."

The integration of surgical and non-surgical specialties, which has played a major role in AVORS' growth, isn't the only thing that prompts patients to refer their friends and loved ones to the medical center. "Most remarkable," says Dr. Nasser, "is how committed each specialist is to being available 24/7 for our patients. We don't just answer the phone on a holiday or weekend; we are often asked to and are more than willing to see our patient in the hospital - even for a different problem, like pneumonia. We make sure that they're not battling, say, arthritis pain while trying to recover from a respiratory infection. I care deeply - we all do - about the continuity of care and am dedicated to providing it, no matter the change in location or setting."

That also means going beyond "just pain management" to help patients achieve vibrant health. "I haven't abandoned my roots," says Dr. Nasser. "I am an osteopathic rehabilitation specialist. Many rehabilitation doctors now spend the majority of their time on pain management. That's an important element of my work but I am invested in being more of a renaissance physician within my specialty. I have a willingness to embrace a modern philosophy regarding pain control. I work with my patients not only via rehabilitation but with nutrition and complementary alternative management treatments like chiropractic and acupuncture. I have learned that my patients heal best when we work to recover the mind and spirit along with the body. I've referred patients to counselors to assist in the management of their pain. I have some patients embracing yoga and tai chi. We do everything we can to create a customized plan that will work best for each individual," explains the doctor.

Dr. Nasser is a well-known partner to patients struggling to wean themselves from addictive medications. "I love helping people get off pain medications and recover naturally. I'm not opposed to pain medication - we'll use them if we need them - but we'll be conscientious about protecting the patient from addiction because we know that merely numbing the pain is not the answer for long-term health."
AVORS Valencia office is now open and accepts most insurance plans. 661-705-5100
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