The Technology Behind Clear Vision
March, 2009 - Issue #53
Clear vision is a priceless gift.

A crucial connection to the surrounding world, this precious visual ability also allows people to be free of glasses and contact lenses.

And who wouldn't want that?

Valencia Opthalmologist Dr. Rajesh Khanna, an internationally recognized LASIK and refractive vision care specialist, thrives on bringing clear vision to the masses.

"It's actually a lifelong passion," declared the physician, who in his youth decided he wanted to help people see better.

Focusing on that quest, he explained two of his most popular procedures, as well as their current lower pricing. They are: PRELEX, which is similar to cataract surgery and replaces a natural lens, and LASIK, which utilizes a microkeratome to surgically re-shape the cornea.

"Presbyopic Lens Exchange, or 'PRELEX,' is a refractive eye procedure in which the eye's natural lens is replaced with an artificial lens that corrects presbyopia," Khanna said. "This painless procedure takes 10 minutes, has minimal downtime, and does away with glasses forever." (Note: A diminished capacity to see near objects, presbyopia occurs when the lens loses flexibility due to age. Most people over age 40 eventually develop presbyopia.)

PRELEX, which is not recommended for persons with advanced macular degeneration or glaucoma, recently restored clear vision to Khanna's 72-year-old mother.

"Now she can read and see the world around her, and all without glasses or contacts," he excitedly said.

LASIK, or "laser in-situ keratomileusis," has become the most desired eye procedure in the country, said Khanna, who performs the most technologically-advanced methods of refractive laser surgery used to correct near-sightedness, far-sightedness and astigmatisms.

Now in its fifth generation of technologically-advanced safety and efficacy, the LASIK laser modifies the cornea depending on one's individual need for correction. The result: clear, natural vision.

Of his work, Khanna makes an offer that's hard to refuse.

"I give a lifetime guarantee," he said.

With numerous offices including Valencia and the surrounding L.A. area, Khanna offers special rates and plans for those with good credit, including affordable monthly payments or zero interest for two years. Also, for Inside SCV readers, he is offering LASIK (for both eyes) and PRELEX at 25 percent off until February 28.

The Khanna Institute of LASIK is located at 23838 Valencia Boulevard #100; 735-4020
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