Beauty Inside & Out
Beautiful (Year-Round) Summer Feet
July, 2009 - Issue #57
Summer. Bare feet. Sandals. They just go together, right?

But if you have ugly or embarrassing foot problems, you'd probably rather wear boots.

One common foot condition affecting millions of people is toenail fungus. "Fungus causes the toenail to become discolored, disfigured, sometimes thickened, brittle and odorous," explained Dr. Robert J. Abrams, medical director of the Foot Care Center of Santa Clarita (253-3668). "Unsightly fungus toenails can sometimes also cause discomfort."

The foot-friendly facility performs state-of-the-art PinPointe Foot laser for treating toenail fungus. Done without anesthesia or pain, the speedy procedure allows women to wear nail polish the next day, Abrams said.

Offering x-ray and diagnostic ultrasound, the Center treats a range of podiatric problems from pediatrics through geriatrics including: flat feet, bunions, hammertoes, warts, sports injuries, corns/calluses, diabetic foot care, and a CO2 laser for ingrown toenails and wart surgeries.

Summer also means outdoor activities and injuries, including ankle sprains and plantar fasciitis (inflammation of a ligament at the bottom of the foot, causing arch and heel pain). Custom-made orthotic arch supports can help prevent planter fasciitis, Abrams said, adding that functional orthotics support the arch and control and correct the motion that the foot goes through.

"This correction can also reduce pain with other foot conditions, such as bunions, hammertoes, and neuromas," Abrams said. (The treatment can be used as an alternative to surgery in mild cases or to provide partial, temporary relief until surgical planning is convenient.)

Orthotics can be problematic with summer footwear, however. Therefore, Abrams recommends sandals and flip flops with removable foot beds that are replaced with custom color-matched orthotics that "promote year-round pain relief, good foot posture, and physical activity and endurance."

Bye-Bye Bunion
Bunions are misaligned big toe joints that can cause unattractive bumps on the sides of the feet. Often genetic, they frequently cause pain.

Crooked "claw" or overlapping "hammer" toes can also easily cancel out a pair of sexy sandals and tanned legs.

Most bunions, hammertoes and calluses can be avoided by wearing properly padded and fitted shoes, says Dr. Kevin Hayavi, medical director of Beverly Hills Physicians (800-788-1416) which provides cosmetic and plastic surgery services throughout Southern California, including Valencia.

Cosmetic foot surgery - now a $3.5 billion industry - has given us the best of both worlds: fashion and comfort, Hayavi said.

According to Hayavi, popular BHP foot treatments include: "Toe tucks" (shortening of lengthier second toe); "Foot Sculpture" (eliminating excessive fat on feet); "Cinderella Procedure" (narrowing of feet); "Footox" (Botox injection to eliminate excessive sweating); and "Cushion Comfeet" (injection of collagen or silicone implant into the bottom of feet for comfort).

Dr. Ali Sadrieh (AKA "Dr. Footnomenal" at BHP for his celebrity clientele), cautions that 90 percent of women's foot deformities stem from improperly-fitted shoes.

He asks: "If consumers are willing to spend $500 to $1,500 for a pair of Manolos, Guccis, or Jimmy Choos today, why shouldn't they also invest in the look and comfort of their feet showcased in these designer shoes?"

Special TLC
Podiatrist Dr. Tony Avakian of Valencia Foot and Ankle Center (288-2321) agrees that proper foot care and well-fitting shoes are essential.

This is especially crucial for people with diabetes, as that disease predisposes them to foot infections, nerve damage in the feet, impaired sensations and even the potential for amputation, he said.

Therefore, Avakian recommends buying comfortable shoes that fit in width, length, back, heel bottom and sole; avoiding pointed toes and high heels; buying shoes made with leather upper material and deep toe boxes; wearing new shoes for two hours or less at a time; avoiding wearing the same pair every day; inspecting insides of shoe before putting it on; not lacing shoes too tightly or loosely; and regularly monitoring the condition of feet.

Flip Floppin'
Flo Mina of Runners Lane (260-3368), a specialty running shoe store based in Santa Clarita, cautions that summer flip flops don't provide enough day-to-day support. "Our feet move side-to-side and forward-and-back, making our feet susceptible to ligament tears and calluses," Mina explained.

Certifed Pedorthist Laura Bouziane of Foot Solutions in Valencia (702-0070) concurs, noting they also lack shock absorption, which can even result in foot, back, knee and hip pain. "Especially during these hot summer months avoid going barefoot or wearing flat, unsupportive flip flops and sandals and you will have healthier, stronger feet to carry you on your life's journey," Bouziane said.

So what do your tootsies "tell" you? And so important particularly this time of year: what will their bareness tell others? Hopefully, this month's Beauty Inside & Out has helped readers learn the basics of how to attain - and maintain - healthy, beautiful feet. All it takes is some expert professional advice and willingness to do the necessary year-round "footwork."
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