Beauty Inside & Out
Drop those Extra Pounds and Feel Good
September, 2009 - Issue #59
Uh oh. Summer is almost over and you're still sporting the winter "padding" you'd planned to shed. Don't worry. Local medical, beauty, and exercise experts are ready to help you slim down, gain strength, and become healthier and happier for the rest of your life.

Take The Survivor Challenge
According to Jim Berardino of The Survivor Challenge (904-4053), a successful way to drop inches and gain self-esteem is through Survivor's specialized fitness bootcamp programs that incorporate cardio and strength-training exercises, nutrition principles and progressive wilderness hikes through our beautiful local mountains. Such steps lead to a sleeker, more defined body, better stamina and an improved psychological state, Berardino said.

"Numerous studies reveal just how much one's outlook and mental environment can hinder or enhance the speed at which you can attain your weight loss goals. The Survivor Challenge not only challenges the body but also trains your mind to work with you instead of against you," he said.

The Survivor Challenge takes pride in offering an affordable solution to reaching one's fitness goals through its three programs tailored to all fitness levels, from athlete to couch potato, he said.

"Make a six-week commitment and you will embark on an exciting journey while losing excess body fat, building firm muscles, strengthening your core, increasing your stamina and revving up your metabolism," Berardino said. "Gain the tools needed to ensure you maintain your ideal body weight and nutritional health from this day forward."

Berardino enjoys helping people break unhealthy eating habits that have hindered them from losing weight and - beginning in August - daycare will be offered for all three class times to make it even easier to commit to a healthier you.

Melt it Off at Infinity MedSpa
Tim Malan of Infinity MedSpa Aesthetics & Day Spa in Valencia (259-8100) recommends LipoMelt volume reduction therapies to help reduce one's extra adipose. "Our patients lose on average a quarter inch to one and a half inches per treatment," Malan said.

How so? According to Malan, treatments utilize a series of injections of phosphatydlcholine, "a naturally-occurring chemical that's found in our bodies and aids in the digestion process." "This compound bonds with fat cells, hardens and dissolves them within a three-week period. Once the injections are completed, our expert nurses administer the state-of-the-art Accent XL laser system, which smoothes the treated area," he said.
Malan notes that many patients utilize the Accent XL to "smooth away cellulite and tighten skin." "Results can be seen in as little as one treatment," he added.

By the way, at Infinity MedSpa - which also offers facials, lasers, Botox, fillers, and massage - all medical procedures are performed by registered nurses and physicians with extensive training in advanced laser treatments as well as advanced injectable techniques.

For more than 5,000 years yoga has helped people become healthier, more fit and calm. (Translating to "union" in Sanskrit, yoga joins mind, body and spirit through developing strength and flexibility.)

Yoga is an amazing system designed to work the entire body, says Dani Ibarra, teacher/director at yogaworks in Valencia (866-670-YOGA(9642)). "Practicing yoga consistently three to four times a week can improve and drastically change the shape of your muscles. This practice puts you in touch with your body like nothing else can and teaches you how to be mindful of your body on and off the mat," Ibarra said.

Such mindfulness can change your relationship with how you see your body, becoming more conscious of the types of food you choose to eat, which can also help with losing weight, she said.

Ibarra advises adding a cardio workout in addition to yoga to see quicker results. "Also, taking a long nature hike once a week will nicely complement a consistent yoga practice," she suggests.

Yogaworks offers more than 80 classes each week with a variety of styles and levels to fit everyone's needs. "Our most recent addition to our schedule has been the popular Yoga Slim taught by Billy Gill on Mondays at noon," Ibarra said. "This class is specifically designed to make you sweat, increase your heart rate and move you closer to your weight loss goals."

Get Smooth with Endermologie
Lorrie Anderschat, owner of Tropics Tan & Tone (313-4878), recommends the body massage treatment Endermologie to make your body more defined and toned.

Per its definition, Endermologie is a non-invasive way of shaping your body, reducing the appearance of cellulite and improving overall skin fitness. It utilizes a small hand-held motorized tool with rollers that stimulate venous and lymphatic systems, reducing toxins and increasing collagen.

"If you're tired of working out and barely eating, yet still having no change in your body shape, it's time to add Endermologie to your routine," Anderschat said. "Endermologie is the number-one body massage treatment resulting in body contouring, inch loss and cellulite reduction."

"Endermologie offers a proven solution for localized fat, cellulite and skin sagging. Inch loss is sure to be seen," she stated. "With Endermologie it is possible to lose inches with long-lasting results. Get rid of those saddlebags once and for all!"

She adds that Tropics is making it possible now more than ever to achieve the body you want through specially (reduced) priced packages. "We understand times are tough but getting your body in shape is still a priority to many women," she said. "Quit wasting time and try Endermologie now. Feel confident in that sexy dress. The holidays are right around the corner."

Is your Liver Causing Belly Bulge?
"Our livers become toxic after years of consuming caffeine, sugar, medications, pesticides, food additives, alcohol, as well as pollution. Reactions to a toxic liver include weight gain, cellulite, fatigue, bloating, indigestion, high blood pressure and cholesterol - just to name a few," informs Cheryl Broughton, co-founder of Viva Vitamins (255-2928).

"In addition to a lifestyle change, eating protein can raise your metabolism and activate the production of enzymes needed to break down toxins. Choose hormone-free eggs, chicken, fish, turkey and/or try protein powders like Viva Lean Protein X3," suggests Broughton.

You can supplement with Viva Super Fat Metabolizer, which extracts fats from the storage cells and sends them to the mitochondria for combustion. It contains the same lipotropics that your liver produces to break down body fats (known as triglycerides). It does not contain stimulants, nor is it a typical 'fat burner,' she adds.

"Shed the Weight Forever" With Beverly Hills Physicians
Getting a leaner body is a vital link for longevity, says Kevin K. Hayavi, MD, medical director of Beverly Hills Physicians (800-788-1416).

Hayavi, whose seven Southern California facilities include one in Valencia, describes obesity as being 50 pounds over one's ideal body weight or having a body mass index (BMI) of 35 or higher.

"Unfortunately, obesity's co-morbid factors include high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis and sleep apnea. These accompanying conditions adversely affect every organ in the body including heart, lungs, kidneys, brain and gastro-intestinal track," the doctor warned.

Given these health dangers, it's understandable that obese people are increasingly turning to surgical procedures for losing weight. "Over the past decade, there have been several techniques of weight loss surgery, most common of which is gastric banding," Hayavi said.

He explained the process: "During gastric banding procedure, a small adjustable silicone band is inserted through a thumb-size incision and via an operative camera around the stomach, which creates a reduced-size stomach. A smaller stomach will not only restrict the food intake, but also it sends signals to the brain that the stomach is full and no more food is needed."

Advantages of gastric banding include: It's a minimally-invasive procedure; is most often done as an outpatient; has a fast recovery period; offers an ability to adjust the band as needed by the surgeon. The procedure is also covered by health insurance if the patient's BMI is over 35.

"A weight loss procedure will not only improve one's self-image and self-esteem, but also improves one's lifestyle, quality of life and life span, as was reported in two landmark studies printed in the New England Journal of Medicine in July 2007," Hayavi concluded.
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