Health Notes
August, 2009 - Issue #58
You can Look 10 Years Younger in Minutes
Minor procedures including Botox injection for wrinkles, as well as fillers such as FDA-approved Restylane or Juvederm to plump up the lips or correct wrinkles can make you feel years younger in less than an hour. Also, a series of IPL Fotofacial laser treatments will eliminate sun spots, brown or yellow spots, pigmentation, fine wrinkles or fine veins on the face. These procedures are non-invasive, painless, require no down time or recovery and if done by a qualified physician, the results are very natural and affordable.
Source: Beverly Hills Physicians 800-788-1416

Add Quality Years to your Lifespan
Three key principles discussed in the book The Blue Zones: Lessons for Living Longer From the People Who've Lived the Longest can add years to your lifespan.

Maintain a regular exercise program. Daily physical activity is vital to staying on the path to longevity. No diet, medication or acai berry smoothie can replace the multi-faceted benefits of exercise. It is essential to include some form of physical activity ranging at least 30 minutes a day.

Eat healthy. This includes reducing the amount of meat you consume - primarily red meat. It's a fact that the more you eat meat, the shorter your life expectancy will be. I'm not suggesting we all become vegetarians, but do work on reducing your meat consumption by half, which will result in a profound improvement to your health.
Surround yourself with people who aspire to live healthfully. We have all heard the old saying: "We are the four people we associate with most." If your three closest friends smoke, drink excessively and are overweight, it's very likely that you are in the same situation.
Source: Jim Berardino of The Survivor Challenge 904-4053

Should You Visit a Podiatrist?
If you have regular pain in your feet at the end of the day, chances are that you should make an appointment to see a podiatrist. Working with a podiatrist to receive diagnostic testing and patient counseling can create a comprehensive treatment plan to eliminate or manage your discomfort. Other signs you should visit a podiatrist are discoloration of skin or toenails. While melanoma is rare, a biopsy can determine if the discoloration on the skin of your feet is dangerous. Discoloration of the toenails can often be a disfiguring fungal infection called onychomycosis, more popularly known as toenail fungus. This infection causes discomfort and embarrassment. Ask about laser toenail fungus removal; one laser treatment is usually all it takes to get you on your way to great looking toes.
Source: Dr. Robert J. Abrams of The Foot Care Center of Santa Clarita 253-3668

What You Eat can Affect your Smile
Brushing and flossing to remove yellowing plaque is an essential strategy to keep your brightest smile. But, at least some of the time, start dining "white" and "light." Swap black tea for green tea, which has beneficial antioxidant properties. Rethink soy and Worcestershire sauces and consider yogurt or trans-fat-free oils flavored with white vinegars, herbs or garlic. Replace red wine with white, and dark berry juices with light juices. Avoid regular consumption of acidic foods and drinks that can soften enamel and encourage staining.
Source: Dr. Mehran Abbassian 259-9100

Hot Weather Help for Older Adults
Now is a critical time for preventing heat-related health issues in older adults. Numerous studies have proven that hot weather is more likely to prompt heat-related illnesses, and even death, in older adults, 50 and above, than younger ones. Heat-related health problems in seniors can result when the outside temperature is only in the low 90-degree range. With that in mind, make sure the air conditioner is on this summer. Fans are not enough; all they do is re-circulate hot air. No senior should ever attempt to walk even short distances during severe temperatures. Always drink plenty of water or other clear liquid nutritional supplements. Take frequent cool showers, baths or sponge baths. Always wear light-colored clothing that is loose fitting and, preferably, cotton, as it can breathe. Source: Geneva Knoles of Visiting Angels 263-2273

Think You Still Wear the Same Size Shoe You Wore in High School?
Baby boomers might be surprised to realize that many of their generation are wearing the wrong-sized shoes. Over time, feet can widen or flatten, and fat padding on the sole can wear down. Weight gain or loss, activity and lifestyle changes and foot problems can also contribute to changes in shoe fit. It's important to be fitted by a professional occasionally, rather than simply choosing the sizes you've worn in the past.
Source: Jon Chaitt of Foot Solutions Valencia 702-0070
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