Health Notes
September, 2009 - Issue #59
Clean Scalp can Mean New Hair Growth
A healthy scalp is vital for healthy hair. When body acids, sebum (oil) and perspiration are left on the scalp too long it can directly affect the hair and the hair follicle. The scalp and hair follicles need to be properly cleansed and conditioned to prevent clogged and corroded follicles. You should use a shampoo that is free of Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and Sodium Laureth Sulfate, ingredients in most shampoos that can corrode the hair follicle and slow new growth. Sometimes a mild scalp scrub and/or scalp cleanser is needed to dissolve sebum plugs (hardened oil), which can suffocate the existing hair and make new growth non-existent.. Source: Rhonda Pieracci of Hair Loss Treatment Clinic 294-6880

A Simple Fix for Lower Back Pain
In a recent study published by Harvard Medical School, 80 percent of Americans at some point in their lives experience lower back pain. Outside of trauma, research suggests that more than half of those suffering are experiencing pain caused by improper biomechanics of the feet. Poor alignment between the feet and legs can affect the kinetic chain all the way up to the spine. Over 90 percent of those surveyed found improvement or total relief of lower back, hip, knee and foot pain by correcting the abnormality in their foundation (the feet) through corrective Custom Orthotics (insoles). Custom Orthotics correct the biomechanical deformity by properly supporting the feet into a neutral position. Source: Dr. Tony Avakian of Valencia Foot & Ankle Center 288-2321

Open a Health Savings Account
A Health Savings Account (HSA) is a tax-favored account that allows individuals and families who are covered by high deductible plans to pay for qualified medical expenses. You own the account, not your employer; funds contributed to an HSA belong to you and are completely portable. Plus, your acquired savings balance rolls over from year to year. Maximum contribution limits for 2009 range from $3,000 for single coverage to $5,950 for family coverage, with an additional $1,000 catch-up contribution allowed if you are between 55 to 65 years of age. Source: Kris Hough of SCVBank 255-9250

Healthy Bodies Need Happy Feet
All shoes are not created equal. Feet come in different sizes, widths and shapes. It is important to have both feet measured in sitting and standing positions and to work with a pedorthist who can determine your gait pattern and footwear needs. Most people have not been measured since they were children, and your feet do change with age and pregnancy. Be sure you are ready for year-round activities and avoid injury with the proper footwear. r. Source: Jon Chaitt of Foot Solutions 702-0070

Mommy's (and Daddy's) Back to School Fitness Routine
I hear this often: "When the kids go back to school, I'll be able to get back on track." Here are a few "Fitness 101" tips to get you back in your "skinny" jeans in no time. Use resistance training to build muscle. The more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn. Eat small, frequent meals. This speeds your metabolism and trains your body to burn food versus storing it as fat (which happens when you skip meals). Drink water to help your liver metabolize fat. At least 64 ounces every day! Realize that 10 minute bouts of exercise are better than nothing. Challenge your kids to a jump rope contest. Jumping rope burns about 100 calories in 10 minutes. Walk the kids to school. You'll get fresh air and a natural dose of Vitamin D. Or, take a solo stroll around your neighborhood hills to burn about 80 calories in 10 minutes. Stick with it! It's what you do consistently that pays off. Source: Cheryl Broughton, founder of Fitness Edge Boot Camp and co-founder of 888-671-6500

Postpartum Group Offers Support for New Moms
To help moms ease into the transition that a newborn brings, Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital has developed a postpartum support group. Moms are invited to share their experiences and concerns, or just listen, during discussions on the emotional adjustments experienced during pregnancy, birth and the first year postpartum. The support group is facilitated by trained specialists who understand the enormous changes and challenges that this transition can bring. The Postpartum Passages support group meets on Tuesdays at 12:30 p.m. Cost is $10 per person; 200-BABY (2229)
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