Health Notes
November, 2009 - Issue #61
Give Water Fitness a Try
Resistance is a key factor in improving strength and cardiovascular fitness. Compared to exercise on land, the same level of fitness can be attained in up to half the time! Water can be from four to 44 times more resistant than air, depending on how hard you work. Even athletes train in water because the medium produces resistance for every muscle group and the athlete becomes stronger and more flexible for other sports. Water can also be a safer environment to exercise in because there is virtually no impact, as gravity is reduced to 10 percent of that on land.
Source: Nikki Miller of Academy Swim Club 702-8585

Chiropractic Solutions to Headaches
It is common knowledge that chiropractics help headaches. Chiropractors are not interested in suppressing headaches, but in finding their cause. A team of surgeons has recently discovered that the membranes covering the brain actually attach directly to small muscles of the neck. In summation, they conclude that an increasing body of literature relates headaches to pathology affecting the cervical spine; a number of clinical trials have demonstrated that chiropractic is valuable for managing headaches. One study of 6,000 headache sufferers (2 to 25 years of age) revealed that neck injury was a common link and should be suspected in every nonspecific case of headache. Chiropractic offers a safe and specific means of reducing irritation in the neck, which can cause headaches. Next time you have a re-occurring headache or migraine, you should go to a chiropractor to get an evaluation to see if they can help and get you on the road to recovery.
Source: Dr. Jeff Bowne of Bowne Chiropractic 288-2321

The New Alternative to Botox
Dysport is the newest injectable in the U.S. market. Developed in the United Kingdom in the early '90s, Dysport has been used overseas for many years. Dysport was approved by the Federal Drug Administration in April 2009 for the treatment of head-and-neck muscle spasms and deep lines between the eyebrows. Dysport is made from the same botulinum toxin Type A as Botox and is injected in the same way as Botox. Both work by temporarily immobilizing muscles, which reduces lines and furrows.
Source: Dr. Van Veloso of Infinity MedSpa 259-8100

Feet First
Video Gait Analysis can Help Determine Source of Pain
Some pain is "good" pain, the kind that results from muscles being worked and toned with effort. Then there is bad pain, where joints are being twisted and muscles are being torn. It is important to recognize the difference early on to prevent injuries. It is always wise, when checking those abnormal pains, to start at the feet - your foundation. This is where all the pressure goes and can lead to injuries and fatigue anywhere on the body. A beneficial way to figure out your foot strike and balance pattern is to have it recorded via a video gait analysis system. This allows your walk/run gait to be replayed in slow motion, making the results, and solution, more clear.
Source: Kyle Robinson of Runners Lane, Inc. 260-3368

Ankle Sprains Require Immediate Treatment
More than 25,000 people sprain their ankles every day, according to the American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society. There are four key reasons why an ankle sprain should be immediately evaluated and treated. 1) An untreated ankle sprain may lead to chronic ankle instability, a condition marked by persistent discomfort and a "giving way" of the ankle. 2) You may have suffered a more severe ankle injury along with the sprain - possibly a serious bone fracture that could lead to troubling complications if left untreated. 3) An ankle sprain may be accompanied by a foot injury that causes discomfort but has gone unnoticed thus far. 4) If rehabilitation of the sprained ankle is delayed, the injury may be less likely to heal properly.
Source: Dr. Tony Avakian of Valencia Foot & Ankle Center 288-2321

The Treatment - and Prevention - of Bunions
Bunions, one of the most common forefoot problems, is a prominent bump on the inside of the foot around the big toe joint. This bump is actually a bone protruding towards the inside of the foot. A problem experienced mostly by women, the deformity is usually caused by wearing improper-fitting footwear. Tight, narrow dress shoes with a constrictive toe area can cause the foot to begin to take the shape of the shoe, leading to the formation of a bunion. In the early stages of the formation of a bunion, soaking feet in warm water can provide temporary relief. But the best way to alleviate the pain is to wear shoes designed with a high, wide toe area. Orthotics are also recommended to provide extra comfort, support, protection and, in some cases, restoration of proper foot function.
Source: Foot Solutions 702-0070
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