Health Notes
January, 2010 - Issue #63
Start 2010 Right with a New Year's Detoxifying Fast
The holiday season - with all the rich foods and decadent desserts - takes a toll on your body, which must cope with countless empty calories, food additives, preservatives, artificial flavorings and excess alcohol. The importance of a detoxifying fast simply cannot be underestimated.

Fasting is accepted and recognized as one of the oldest forms of inner healing and therapy. Indeed, after Gandhi was assassinated at age 77, his doctors commented that his organs looked like those of a 35 year old, and concluded it was attributed to his extensive fasting.

It should be understood that fasting does not cure any diseases or ailments. Rather, fasting provides the body with a physiological rest that helps the body to fulfill its own self-healing, self-rejuvenating process. It gives the body's overburdened internal organs a break from the intake of foreign chemicals, preservatives, salts and toxins. In addition, it gives the body the ability to purge impurities that have been stored for years.

For a fast "recipe" that will help your body get rid of those unwanted holiday toxins, log onto This "cocktail" helps fight germs, viruses, bacteria and mold naturally; removes artery plaque and body toxins; helps digestion, assimilation and balances the pH; and detoxes the body so sinus, asthma and flu sufferers can breathe easier.
Resource: Jim Berardino of Survivor Challenge 904-4053

Feet First
Toes and Blisters
Anyone who has had blisters between, on, under or anywhere around the toes will testify that it is one of the most annoying and painful "little" things that can happen during activity. Whether walking or running, all it takes is movement and friction to create a blister.

There are several effective methods that can fix the problem. First is blister powder; a simple scoop into each sock, a slight shake and you will be off to a blister-free adventure. Second: the toe sock. With wicking material and right/left foot knitting, these socks will all but eliminate friction and moisture from between the toes.
Resource: Kyle Robinson of Runners Lane Inc. 260-3368

Relief for Bunion Pain
A bunion is the development of a firm bump on the outside edge of the foot, at the base of the big toe; redness, swelling, or pain at or near the big toe joint; corns or other irritations caused by the overlap of the first and second toes; and restricted or painful motion of the big toe joint.

Bunions are generally brought about by years of abnormal motion and pressure over the joint by the big toe. They are, therefore, a symptom of faulty foot development and are usually caused by the way we walk. This is often caused by heredity.

Padding, taping, medication - such as anti-inflammatory drugs, or cortisone injections, physical therapy, orthotics (shoe inserts controlling foot function, reducing symptoms and preventing progression of the deformity), or surgery are treatment options. Bunions can be very debilitating, but the good news is that in recent years more refined approaches in both conservative and surgical treatments have emerged, resulting in faster relief and recovery.
Resource: Dr. Tony Avakian of Valencia Foot & Ankle Center 288-2321
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