Health Notes
May, 2008 - Issue #43
The Science Behind Great Skin at any Age
For both men and women, the aging process can cause the skin to go through many changes. Your skin gradually becomes thinner and finely wrinkled. Oil-producing (sebaceous) glands grow less active, leaving your skin drier. The number of blood vessels in your skin decreases; your skin becomes more fragile; and you lose your youthful color. Hormones, the environment and how well we take care of our skin all impact how we age. Great skin can be achieved with proper care such as: daily use of a sunblock (UVA/UVB with 30 SPF or greater); avoiding the sun; washing your skin gently and applying moisturizer regularly; drinking plenty of water; getting at least eight hours of sleep; and exercising regularly. For damage that has already been done, there are laser and IPL treatments, Botox, fillers and medical-grade skin care products to give back that youthful, rested appearance.
Resource: Dr. Chrystal Fernandez, RN, Ph.D of Bellissima, Inc. 295-0855

Care during Cancer Treatments
Sometimes cancer treatment causes more discomfort than the initial disease. Many patients report feeling tired or unable to concentrate. Fatigue during treatment can be related to many causes, including: not eating, inactivity, low blood counts, depression, poor sleep and side effects of medication. Learn about the possible side effects of your medications and some coping strategies so that you can feel more in control. Make sure you get enough rest. That may mean napping or taking rests throughout the day. Try to shorten your regular activities so that you do not push yourself to do more than you can manage during treatment. Remember, joining a support group is a good way to help find new coping strategies and get support from people in a similar situation.
Resource: weSPARK Cancer Support Center 288-2322

Heel/Arch Pain: Part One
Heel/arch pain is one of the most common foot ailments. Unfortunately, this affliction is left untreated by a majority of the population. Eventually this ailment becomes chronic in nature, often manifesting with "first step pain" when getting out of bed or after a period of rest, usually dissipating after a few minutes of walking, then eventually returning later in the day. What causes this problem to arise? The number-one reason is improper biomechanics of the feet along with an abnormal gait (walking) pattern; placing too much stress on the heel bone and the soft tissue that attaches to it. The medical term for this inflammatory response is Plantar Fasciitis. This condition occurs when the plantar fascia (a tendon attached to the heel bone) is strained over time beyond its normal extension, causing the soft tissue fibers of the fascia to tear or stretch at its attachment to the heel bone or along the arch, resulting in pain and inflammation. The good news is that 80 to 90 percent of Plantar Fasciitis sufferers can get relief with conservative treatment.
Resource: Dr. Tony Avakian of Valencia Foot & Ankle Center 288-2321

Ten Commandments of Healthy Eating: Part One
According to The Institute of Medicine, men should consume roughly three liters (about 13 cups) of total beverages a day and women should consume 2.2 liters (about 9 cups) of total beverages a day. On average, food provides about 20 percent of total water intake, while the remaining 80 percent comes from water and beverages of all kinds. For example, many fruits and vegetables - such as watermelon and cucumbers - are nearly 100 percent water by weight. Beverages such as milk and juice are also comprised mostly of water. Water is one of your best bets because it is calorie-free, inexpensive and readily available. You should be drinking at least 8 to 10 glasses of water a day and remember that cold water burns more calories than warm water.
Resource: Vish Hanoman of Valencia Executive Boxing 367-2444

Exercise may Correct Current Back Problems
Although some individuals believe that rest is best for back pain, says Heather deCordova, MPT, OCS, CSCS an assistant director of rehabilitation services at Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital, exercise may actually correct current back problems, help prevent new ones, and relieve back pain. Henry Mayo is pleased to offer a free Spine Education program. Topics range from spine health and basic anatomy to body mechanics such as proper lifting, pushing and pulling techniques. Spine Education classes are held the second Wednesday of every month, from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Resource: Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital 253-8959

Choking Kills more than 3,000 People Yearly
Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital and Superior Life Support have joined forces to offer free monthly adult CPR classes. Approved by the American Heart Association, the Family & Friends CPR program is designed to educate participants on how to recognize and care for an adult who is choking and how to perform CPR. Each participant will receive a textbook and course participation card upon completion. The free CPR class is held on the third Thursday of every month, from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Resource: Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital 253-8060

Mothers and Cosmetic Surgery
Women sacrifice their body during pregnancy and childbirth:
saggy breasts, stretch marks and excessive fat and skin on
the abdomen are not uncommon. After childbirth and breastfeeding, more mothers are turning to cosmetic surgery to restore their beauty and confidence. New techniques in cosmetic surgery will allow patients to have natural-looking results with no pain, minimum down time and quick recovery.
Resource: Kevin Hayavi, MD of Beverly Hills Physicians 800-788-1416

Diabetic Foot Care
It is very important for diabetics with neuropathy or loss of feeling in the foot to take necessary precautions to prevent injury and keep their feet healthy. Footwear and arch supports play an important role in diabetic foot care. Diabetic footwear should also provide the following protective benefits: high, wide toe box (high and wide space in the toe area); removable insoles for fitting flexibility and the option to insert arch supports if necessary; rocker soles designed to reduce pressure in the areas of the foot most susceptible to pain - most notably the ball of the foot.
Resource: Foot Solutions Valencia 702-0070

Facts about Women and Hair Loss
Approximately 30 million women (or one in four) experience hereditary women's hair loss and baldness; 50 percent of women will experience hair loss by middle age.

Your hair is at its thickest by age 20. Once you pass 20, however, your hair gradually begins to thin, shedding more than the normal 40 to 100 hairs a day.

40 percent of women never expect women's hair loss or baldness to happen to them.

Fine hair is both a precursor for and consequence of hair thinning. Women who experience hair loss have a disproportionately high rate of fine hair before they start losing hair. The chance of experiencing hair loss is almost twice as high for women with fine hair as for women with thick/full hair.
Resource: Hair Loss Treatment Center 294-6880

Don't let Makeup make you Sick
Besides never putting on makeup while driving, consumers should follow other precautions to protect themselves and the quality of their cosmetics: keep makeup containers tightly closed when not in use; keep makeup out of sunlight, as light can degrade preservatives; don't use eye cosmetics if you have an eye infection, such as conjunctivitis, and throw away all products you were using when you first discovered the infection; never add any liquid to bring the product back to its original consistency - adding water or, worse, saliva could introduce bacteria that could easily grow out of control; if the product has lost its original texture and consistency, the preservatives have probably broken down and the product should be discarded; never share; throw makeup away if the color changes or if an odor develops.
Resource: Carol Donnelly, licensed esthetician, of Dermal Solutions 295-0027
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