Health Notes
October, 2008 - Issue #48
Walking Off the Weight Starts with the First Step
The right footwear can be your first step toward total body fitness. Walking 30 minutes a day has tremendous health benefits including: reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke; type-2 diabetes, osteoporosis, reducing feelings of stress and depression; weight loss. A good-quality, supportive walking or running shoe is mandatory. Board-certified pedorthists can provide you with a free food analysis to get you on your way to a healthier you.
Resource: Foot Solutions 702-0070

Go Hair Free with Painless Hair Removal
The growth and appearance of unwanted hair can be troubling year-round. Shaving is bothersome and removal at the root has always been painful, until now. Alma Lasers has developed laser technology that permanently removes unwanted hair and is virtually painless with no downtime. The difference is that older laser technology heats to 63 degrees celsius and emits one to three light flashes per second, resulting in a painful procedure with a propensity to burn the skin. Alma Lasers' advanced equipment uses less energy - a safe 45 degrees celsius with 10 light flashes per second, making for a safer and virtually-painless procedure.
Resource: Dr. Van Veloso of Infinity MedSpa 259-8100

Different Acne, Different Treatments
Acne problems are not all the same and should not be treated as such. Different forms of acne require different forms of home care products and/or treatments. Professionals who specialize in the treatment of acne conditions can help you to find products and a treatment regime that's right for you.
Resource: Carol L. Donnelly, L.E, of Dermal Solutions Esthetic Center 295-0027

"Just Show Up" Leads to a Body Worth Showing Off
For parents, it's easy to put off things that will improve your health and appearance, but there is a simple solution. All you need to do is "just show up." Show up to class or the gym no matter what. Don't worry about planning your workout or what you "should" do. You'll be amazed at what you can accomplish and how fast your progress can be.
Resource: Felicia Oh of FLO Fitness 607-4797

Neuromas: One of Summer's most Common Foot Complaints
Neuromas are enlarged benign growths of nerves, most commonly between the third and fourth toes. They are caused by tissue rubbing against and irritating the nerves. Pressure from poorly-fitting shoes or abnormal bone structure can create the condition as well. Treatments include special shoes or inserts, cortisone injections, or physical therapy, but surgical removal of the growth is sometimes necessary.
Resource: Dr. Tony Avakian of Valencia Foot & Ankle Center 288-2321

Acupuncture and Herbs can Treat Arthritis Successfully
There are two main types of arthritis: osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, and they both cause pain, as well as affecting the mobility of sufferers. The first is a degenerative joint disease. The second is an autoimmune disease in which the body attacks itself in the joints. The use of traditional Eastern medicine in acupuncture to naturally relieve this pain is well established in America. For those who suffer from any type of arthritis, acupuncture can offer a natural and drug-free way to find more pain relief and increased mobility. When used in conjunction with standard arthritic care, one can experience a remarkable reduction in pain.
Resource: New Hope Acupuncture Medical Group, Inc. 257-1233

Grief and the Healing Process
Grief is a normal reaction to the loss of someone who has been significant in your life. And although grief is a necessary process to help one adjust to loss, it's not a process that has to be endured alone. For that reason, Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital is hosting a Bereavement Support Group to help all those who are mourning and grieving the death of a loved one. Some of the topics include: The four tasks of mourning; typical myths about grief and mourning; ways to help you heal from the pain of loss; how to handle special days and holidays.
Resource: Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital 818-971-3437

Hair Loss that's not Genetic
A common cause of hair loss is sebaceous oil build-up - referred to by many as sebum plug. The function of the sebaceous gland is to supply oil (sebum) to the hair follicle, which lubricates the hair for smooth growth. The problem occurs when thin, poor quality hair is being produced in the follicle. If the hair is not in its proper condition, oil fills up in the follicle. When the scalp is not properly cleansed, (using the wrong shampoo) the oil hardens and can hinder proper hair growth and cause hair loss. A scalp cleanser used before shampooing can help dissolve the hardened oil and promote a healthier hair follicle.
Resource: Rhonda Pieracci of Hair Loss Control Clinic 294-6880
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