Health Notes
November, 2008 - Issue #49
Footwear Technology makes Walking a Safer, more Effective Workout
Today's footwear designs can help your entire body look and feel better by improving posture, absorbing shock, correcting faulty gait patterns and enhancing athletic performance. Some footwear can help burn more calories while walking and strengthen core muscles. Resource: Foot Solutions 702-0070

A Common Complaint: Achilles Tendonitis
The Achilles tendon, located in the back of the heel, is the largest tendon in the human body and can withstand forces of 1,000 pounds or more - but it is also the most frequently-ruptured tendon. Generally, pain and sometimes swelling can occur, but if you notice a small lump behind your heel you should immediately see a podiatrist, as you may have a tear - which could end up becoming a full rupture. Resource: Dr. Tony Avakian of Valencia Foot & Ankle Center

Don't Stress about Hair Loss
Stress is a major contributor of hair loss. While under stress, the pituitary gland can produce hormones and enzymes that can constrict the vascular system, thus hindering the oxygen, nutrients and blood flow to the hair. It is very important to bring stress levels under control. However, people tend to stress more when they feel they are losing their hair. This cycle can be broken by educating yourself about hair loss and what can be done about it. Resource: Rhonda Pieracci of Hair Loss Treatment Center 294-6880

From Food to Fat Loss
Food represents about 80 percent of your fat-loss goals. You can lift weights and do cardio extensively, but you won't reach your fat-loss goals unless you improve your eating. Remember that low fat isn't necessarily good; low-fat and non-fat foods (fruits and veggies are exempt) can make you gain weight because your body sees a shortage of fat coming in. Thus, it holds onto the fat it has stored. Resource: Vish Hanoman of Valencia Executive Boxing 367-2444

Remove Sun Spots with PhotoFacials
Every fall, patients look to reverse harmful sun damage they acquired over the summer. If you have freckles, acne scars and other types of pigmentation on the surface of the skin, you need powerful skin rejuvenation treatments. PhotoFacial technology exposes the skin to intense pulses of light that help reverse sun damage, even out the skin's tone, shrink pores and reduce the appearance of blood vessels. Resource: Dr. Van Veloso of Infinity MedSpa 259-8100

Aging Well: Clarity on Home Care versus Home Health
"Home health" is medical in nature and is prescribed by your physician. A nurse or licensed medical professional will visit the home and attend to whatever has required the visit. It could range from wound care to pain management. Insurance will pay for home health if prescribed by a doctor. "Home care" is non-medical and assists with what is called Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) - defined as the things we do on a daily basis, like bathing, dressing, walking, eating, toilet use and grooming. Home care also provides assistance in the area of Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs), which include preparing meals, managing money, medications, shopping, housework and using a telephone. Resource: Myles McNamara of Comfort Keepers In-home Care 287-4200

Ask The Doctor
Q: Should my family get the flu vaccine? I've heard that a lot of people get the flu from it.
There was a time when we gave the whole germ and it was capable of leading to illness. People complained of flu-like illness shortly after getting the vaccine in addition to the usual pain at the site of injection. Nowadays, however, the injectible flu vaccine is only made of parts of the virus that causes influenza. Therefore, it's incapable of leading to actual flu. Until the last couple of years, we advised the flu vaccine only in high risk children, but now, it's advised for all children above 6 months old to receive the vaccine. For those children and adults who are needle-phobic, we have a nasal spray vaccine that's a very effective means of preventing influenza.
Drs. Paul and Daphne Horowitz have opened Discovery Pediatrics, Inc., a unique pediatrics practice in Valencia 259-8999.
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