Prescriptions for Better Health
June, 2011 - Issue #80
Summer Foot Care Reminders

Avoid walking barefoot. Your feet will be more prone to injury and infection. At the beach, or when wearing sandals, always use sun block on your feet.

Wash your feet regularly, especially between the toes, and be sure to dry them completely.

Trim toenails straight across, but not too short. Be careful not to cut nails in corners or on the sides; this can lead to ingrown toenails.

Don't ignore foot pain. It is not normal. If you experience any type of persistent pain in the foot or ankle, visit a podiatrist.

Inspect your feet regularly. Pay attention to changes in color and temperature. Look for thick or discolored nails (a sign of developing fungus) and check for cracks or cuts in the skin. Peeling or scaling on the soles of feet may indicate Athlete's Foot. Any growth on the foot is not considered normal. Dr. Robert J. Abrams of the Footcare Center of Santa Clarita; 253-3668

Simple Fix for Lower Back, Hip, Knee & Foot Pain
Corrective custom orthotics (insoles) have been shown to improve, or provide total relief, of lower back, hip, knee and foot pain in over 90 percent of Americans who complain of lower back pain. Custom orthotics correct the biomechanical deformity by properly supporting the feet into a neutral position, improving alignment between the feet and legs, reducing stress from the feet up to the lower back, creating better posture, and improving gait (walking). Professional athletes use custom orthotics as a prevention to injury and as a performance enhancer (they are proven to increase speed, quickness and vertical jump by improving foot and leg alignment). Orthotics are covered by most insurance plans. Why live with pain if you don't have to?
Dr. Tony Avakian of Valencia Foot & Ankle Center; 288-2321

Free Training
Learn to be a Better Caregiver
Lack of training for unpaid family caregivers is a problem confronting families today. Family members or friends are finding themselves in the position of doing things in the home for loved ones that would normally be done by a skilled, licensed medical provider or in-home care agency. (Visit for support.)

If hiring an in-home care agency to help is not in your current plans, Comfort Keepers In-Home Care now has a Skills Lab, used for training of their professional caregivers, that is open to the community. Those in the role of family caregiver can receive training free of charge. The lab has a hospital bed, mechanical lift, walker, wheel chair, three-in-one portable commode, gate belts, and other tools used to help an aging loved one in the home. There are also educational DVDs on dementia and Alzheimer's, body mechanics, infection control, personal care, and more; 287-4200

CPR Class Provides Life-saving Information
The Family & Friends CPR program is designed to educate participants on how to recognize and care for an adult who is choking and how to perform CPR. Classes are one-hour long and open to anyone who wants to learn CPR but does not need to be certified. Each participant will receive a textbook and course participation card upon completion. The free CPR class is held on the third Thursday of every month, from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.; 253-8888

Marter Appointed to HMNMH Board of Directors

Stevenson Ranch resident Roscoe L. Marter, MD, FACOG is a board-certified obstetrician/gynecologist who has worked predominantly at Henry Mayo for more than 10 years. He was appointed to Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital's Board of Directors in March.
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