The Heat is On
May, 2009 - Issue #55
Start getting Ready for Summer Now

The Survivor Challenge is more than a way to get a bathing suit-ready body; it's a unique six-week adventure. You will learn the secrets to maintaining a faster metabolism while building definition and burning excess body fat. The outdoor fitness course is held four days a week and includes six calorie-burning hikes in the SCV that progress in difficulty and are led by certified fitness trainers.
The Survivor Challenge 904-4053

Smooth hips, tush, tummy and thighs are a must if you want to feel great in shorts (or less) this season. Try Velashape; the system uses combined energies known as elos to precisely target and heat fatty tissues within the treatment area. The vacuum and tissue manipulation evens out the skin to reveal a smoother, tighter figure. Velashape users boast about loss of inches and "dimples."
Dermacure 257-8400

Get rid of embarrassing spider veins for good. Sclerotherapy involves injecting the varicosities in the doctor's office, and then applying a compression bandage. Good sclerotherapy is an art that's only mastered by a doctor with many years of experience. The painless treatment provides excellent cosmetic results in about three months, so don't wait to make your call!
Dr. Anthony D. Panasci of the Valencia Vein Center 254-0720

Clumpy mascara just isn't an option in hot weather. At the least, you'll look overdone. At the worst, it will leave dark streaks of product running down your cheeks. The best choice - super-thick, long natural lashes. Yes, your lashes will plump and lengthen when you apply RevitaLash before bed. The too-good-to-be true truth is that this product really works. And it's on sale now, too!
Hair Loss Treatment Clinic 294-6880

Embarrassed by a long second toe in your feet? How about painful bumps or unsightly yellow nails? These conditions are treatable by an aesthetic foot specialist and, in most cases, the procedures are pain free and don't require down time. They may also be covered by health insurance. Before you feel self conscious about wearing sandals, visit for a consultation and treatment options.
Beverly Hills Physicians 800-788-1416

Summer fun includes lots of opportunities to laugh and smile. Grin confidently with bright, white, healthy teeth. You can get a shiny, happy smile in less than an hour. Zoom! teeth whitening is safe, effective, very fast, and performed only by a dental professional. The painless procedure safely whitens teeth an average of eight shades. The only things you have to lose are ugly yellow stains.
Valencia Dental Arts 799-9989
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