Your Rx for...
October, 2009 - Issue #60
Weight Loss: Science-proven Ways to Speed Up your Metabolism
Countless dieters try to eat as little as possible in an attempt to reduce their body fat, but in reality they are only further slowing their metabolism and weight-loss progress. There are three main components to your metabolism.

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) accounts for 60 to 70 percent of calories expended daily. Of the three variables contributing to your BMR - bones, organs and muscles - only the latter can be changed to boost our metabolism. Increase your lean muscle mass by strength training two to three times per week.

Thermic effect of food is responsible for 10 to 15 percent of calories expended daily. This is the caloric cost of digesting and storing food as energy.

Physical activity accounts for 15 to 30 percent of calories expended daily. After a good workout there is a 62 percent increase in your body's ability to use fat for energy, while also burning an additional 100 to 200 calories repairing the micro-trauma of the recently-damaged muscle fibers.

Boost your metabolism by eating small meals every two to three hours. Stay away from fast-digesting foods like flour and sugar (breads, pasta, baked goods), which spike the release of insulin, signaling your body to stop burning and start storing.

Front load your carbs by eating your largest portion in the morning, then tapering off to little or no carbs in the evening. This principle is supported by science, as you have more digestive enzymes available in the morning, while your ability to metabolize carbs drops considerably in the evening.
Resource: Jim Berardino, director of The Survivor Challenge 904-4053.

Getting Back to a Pre-baby Body: The "Mommy Makeover"
"Mommy makeover" is a generic term often used to describe a combination of cosmetic procedures used to reverse the physical changes due to pregnancy, childbearing and breastfeeding. Procedures may include breast lift, tummy tuck, liposuction and vaginal rejuvenation. With a routine exercise program and healthy diet, the results of cosmetic surgery could last a life time.
Resource: Kevin Hayavi, MD of Beverly Hills Physicians 800-788-1416

Avoiding Blisters, Foot Cramps & More: Running Socks
Everyday cotton socks may be perfect for running errands, but they're anything but when it comes to actually running! Running socks, in contrast, contain zero cotton and perform a "wisking" action that literally pulls sweat off the foot. This keeps your foot drier, cooler and far more comfortable. The more liquid that is on your foot, the hotter it gets, and the more likely you'll be plagued by blisters, cramps, calluses and hot spots. A simple running sock will make your exercise experience more comfortable - enhancing your performance and enjoyment of the activity.
Tips courtesy of Kyle Robinson of Runner's Lane INC 260-3368.

Events hosted by Kenneally Acupuncture; 252-4100
Monday, September 21 & 28, and October 5, 12 & 19
Meditation Mondays with Kathleen Fletcher, MsD, DRS, RMT
Meditation brings peace and calm to the mind, as well as the body, benefiting health, relationships and life situations by bringing clarity to questions from the place of truth within you. Suggested donation is $10.

Thursday, October 8
Experience Guided Imagery for Your Body, Mind & Spirit

From 7 p.m. to 8 p.m., lead by Maile Gray, C.Ht.,
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