Hi Dr. Moza. I was recently told that my herniated disc requires repair which means... I need surgery. I'm not looking forward to the recovery, the hospital stay, the cost or the time off work. I've been assured that my pain and mobility will not improve without this surgery, but I'd really like to know if there's a way to do it that cuts down on "all of the above."
It's funny how life can take you in such different directions - or, in the case of Dr. Justin Sherfey, different addresses. Originally from the rural part of Washington, Dr. Sherfey relocated to Southern California to attend the Western University of Health Sciences in Pamona. From there, it was off to orthopedic residency in Michigan, then a fellowship in adult reconstruction and joint replacement in Canada. For the last decade, he called a small community between Seattle and Portland - Centralia, to be specific - home as he grew his orthopedic practice.
The best sort of physician not only assists you in your recovery; they know what it's like to walk in your shoes. That type of empathy is both rare and wonderful - and it's also available in spades from Antelope Valley Orthopaedic & Rehabilitation Specialists (AVORS) Medical Group co-founder Thomas Nasser, DO.
Hi Doc! I'm a 26-year-old man who has been recently diagnosed with a Chiari malformation. Didn't see that coming! I have been experiencing radiating neck pain, dizziness, nausea and ear ringing. My neurologist suggests that we treat the symptoms with medications, but I'm young and don't want to take pills for the rest of my life. I'd like to consider surgery. I'm otherwise in good health. What do you think?
One of Southern California's Finest Orthopaedic Surgeons Calls SCV home
Q: A few months ago I slipped and fell while hiking. I felt sore afterwards but didn't think any major damage was done and didn't seek medical attention. About a month later, I went into the doctor's office complaining of a nagging back pain. Surprise, surprise. I have a spinal fracture. What I thought was due to my age - or a kidney stone - was most likely the result of my tumble down a mountain. My doctor says that the facture is minor and that it could heal on its own. Is that true? I'd love to avoid surgery, but I don't want this to get worse.
Over a decade ago, two prestigious doctors were being recruited by a hospital for the same slot - by two different recruiters. A comedy of errors transpired, resulting in the medical professionals finding themselves in the office suite both were promised individually.
QUESTION: "I'm very curious about artificial disc replacement. It seems like a much better option for me, considering my age and desire to maintain my active lifestyle. Can you tell me more?"
"Hi Doc. A few years back, I was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease. I did the exercises suggested by my doctor religiously, but lately I've been experiencing numbness."
A reader falls off the roof during a Christmas light install - should he get surgery?
There's a reason that people in pain travel from far and wide - even across state lines - to the little town of Newhall. The incentive: To be treated by Dr. Kapil Moza, a renowned spine surgeon with a coveted reputation.
Debilitating pain. Frustrating weakness. Tingling, numbness, headaches, vision loss, dizziness, confusion... A damaged nervous system can be a major knock to your quality of life.
Debilitating pain. Frustrating weakness. Tingling, numbness, headaches, vision loss, dizziness, confusion...
Do you suffer from headaches, dry mouth, itchiness or fatigue? Do you struggle to lose weight, even though you, for the most part, "eat healthy?" Do you have a hard time keeping blood pressure or cholesterol numbers low? Is your digestion "off?" How's your memory holding up? Do you ever experience "cognitive fog?" Do you have trouble maintaining your moods?
My right hip has been giving me trouble lately. I haven't even hit 40 yet - and I'm complaining about hip pain? I'm even more ashamed to admit that I've been having this problem for over two months and haven't done a thing about it.
Sad fact: Most of us experience pain each and every day - and we usually do nothing
about it. What may be worse than "nothing," though, is the "something" many Americans seek out to address our physical discomfort. We self medicate with over-the-counter pain reducers that could damage our liver; we pick up a bottle of beer instead of a barbell; we "comfort" ourselves with rich foods that increase inflammation and raise the number on our scale; we sit on the couch and numb our bodies along with our brains.
The saying goes that "no one knows your body better than you do," - which may be true. But what also might be true is that you don't know your body nearly well enough. Read on to find out what your body wants you to know.
If you've ever injured a tendon, joint or ligament, you probably know traditional Western medicine's most frequent "solution": a cycle of anti-inflammatory pills, numbing injections and, in too many cases, surgery. Few of us would complain about this lineup, though, if we found it effective. The trouble is that narcotics and scalpels rarely put an end to pain and can, in fact, make things a whole lot worse.
In front of a classically-styled stone-masoned building on Lyons Avenue reads a sign: Unruh Spine Center. The body-in-motion logo, tag line ("Freedom to Move: For Life") and gold-standard reputation (the Center's namesake, Dr. Chace Unruh, has regularly been cited as the SCV's favorite chiropractor since he opened his practice in 2002) may lead you to believe that this is the place to be for back pain. You'd be right - and, in a way, wrong. There's much more to the Center than chiropractic services.
Eight smart ways to avoid back pain, plus two helpful tips on releaving foot pain!
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