Aging Well
November, 2011 - Issue #85
Nutritious food is the key to keeping seniors strong and healthy. But a variety of issues, from medications and illnesses to memory problems and physical constraints, can jeopardize a senior's ability to maintain a balanced diet. Seniors may find grocery shopping difficult, or lack the energy to cook, so family caregivers will need to pitch in by shopping for and cooking easy, versatile, healthy foods.

"Many people find it more difficult to ADOPT NEW HABITS
as they age. While it may be more difficult to change behaviors, implementing good health habits can be particularly beneficial as one grows older.

Exercising and eating healthy, well-balanced meals high in fiber are two health habits that may be challenging for people to embrace at any age. People age 60 and older may be unsure about how to make these lifestyle changes and stick to them. Talk to your health practitioner about how to best incorporate fitness and diet changed into your routine - and then get started.

Life is waiting!
~ Good Neighbor Pharmacies of Santa Clarita Valley
According to the University of Maryland's College of Nutrition, the following 12 foods hold special nutritional value for seniors, and they're all easy, quick and tasty:

Oatmeal • Eggs • Yogurt • Rice

Blueberries • Apples • Fish

Chicken • Broccoli • Soy • Dark chocolate

Sweet potatoes and squash

Food is at the core of our lives no matter what our age, but don't forget that all-important ingredient - companionship - which no senior should be without. A dining companion is the icing on the cake for an older adult who often eats many of his or her meals alone.

A free booklet, "Cooking Under Pressure" is available from Home Instead Senior Care. More information can also be found at the website; 254-8701

Senior Savings
Through the holidays, take 15 to 20 percent off Medical Home Rehab's selection of vehicle lifts, scooters, colorful walkers, lift chairs, bathroom aids, compression stockings and more; 866-228-4152

Does this Sound like You?
"I'm too young for a hearing aid." "My family complains that the volume on the TV is way too loud." "Why can't people just speak louder or more clearly?"

Now hear this: If this sounds like you - or someone you love - it's time to schedule a hearing evaluation. There's no incentive to wait - and plenty of reasons to consider hearing aids now. Those who suffer from hearing problems experience a loss of quality of life; a negative impact on career success; and a reduction in the enjoyment of social events and family relationships.

There's good news, though. New devices are tiny, discreet, don't require bulky parts and are available with Bluetooth. You can now, with a touch of a button, be linked to your cell phone, TV, landline phone, car phone and to video gaming consoles such as Xbox and Wii (Which will make you seem very cool to the younger set!).

Patrice Rifkind, AuD and Nina N. Ball, MS, of Audiology Associates, are Santa Clarita's hearing experts. With their help, you won't miss out on a thing this holiday season - and beyond; 284-1900
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