Ann on Aging
Confessions of an Aging Sex Goddess
September, 2005 - Issue #11
Ok, so maybe there's a wee bit of wishful thinking tied up in this article's title... However, I've got to believe that as we age, the would-of, could-of, should-of, 20-20 hindsight thing becomes much more pronounced. Perhaps this is precipitated by the fact that when we're over 50 we realize we are no longer immortal - this is not a dress rehearsal!

At least once a week I receive "wish lists" and "as I grow old I realize" pundits from well-meaning friends. These words of wisdom about aging range from the lovely prose of Maya Angelou to the indomitable wit of Erma Bombeck.

I've decided it's time I made my own list.

If I had my life to live over, I would...

  • have flown across the country dressed only in a sexy teddy and a raincoat (like my friend Dolores, bless her vivacious soul!).
  • have taken the trip to Europe rather than that Volkswagon after college graduation.
  • not have raised my hand three years in a row in religious instruction when the visiting missionary nuns asked, "Who would like to give their life to God?"
  • not have obsessed over my stubby thighs and curly hair (those long-legged, straight-haired gals have their own issues, too).
  • not spent an accumulation of over 250 hours coloring dozens of Easter eggs no one ate.
  • stopped at the gym more and the pastry shop less.
  • kept my foot in my mouth, listened more and talked less.
  • put colored concrete floors in my home when the kids were little (I think hoses and drains in every room would have also been a nice addition).
  • stopped baking 40 dozen cookies, 24 loaves of nut bread, and three kinds of candy every year for Christmas baskets for family and friends that would have equally appreciated a card or a ham.
As for my future plans? I haven't made a list and I don't think I will. I won't be disappointed because I've only made it through eight of my 15 to-dos. That way every adventure will be relished for its uniqueness, and not just another check mark on my list of life's accomplishments. I may not wear a red hat, but might wear purple with plumes. Rest assured I won't retire at 65 and I may not climb Mt. Everest but I definitely will relish watching my grandchildren grow up and allow myself to stay young at heart.

I'm through worrying about whether the plane will crash if I fly across country wearing next to nothing. As I read over my collection of dozens of post-it-notes with wonderful platitudes about life, happiness, challenges and success I realize that the bottom line is simple. I'm not going to live forever, so while I'm here I'm not going to waste time lamenting what could have been or worrying about what will be.

There's one thing that is certain, though. If I so choose, I damn well will eat dessert every day.


When not shopping for skimpy nighties and red-eye flights, Ann can be reached at
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