Ann on Aging
Move Over, Soccer Mom Soccer Gram has You Beat
June, 2007 - Issue #32
You've got competition! Soccer Grandmas and Grandpas are lining the sidelines at every game and their numbers are growing. And if you think parents of soccer kids are obnoxious, overbearing and over exuberant, you ain't seen nothin' unless you've seen Soccer Grams.

I speak from personal experience. I am a proud Soccer Gram, complete with pom poms and racing sneakers (no one sprints the line like I do). I don't need a bullhorn because underneath this quiet demeanor is the voice inherited from my mom. When she would call us kids home while we were playing two blocks away, we would hear her.

My granddaughters Ashley and Megan Ann are 5 and 3. This is my second year as Soccer Gram. I spent last year cheering on Ashley's team of 4 year olds and this year it's Megan's turn. There is nothing, I repeat, nothing, funnier than 3 and 4 year olds playing soccer.

This is the second year my son Michael has coached and he continues to be confronted with problems David Beckham's coach has never encountered. Last week two of the wee bit players, Hayden and Becky, were standing in the middle of the field holding hands while all around them players vied for the ball. Time out. Coach Mike sent them to different positions away from each other. Sweet little Chloe, all three-feet, four-inches of her, would cry uncontrollably each time the other team scored. Time out for Chloe's mom to give her hugs and Coach Mike to provide encouragement. There are no goalies for the 4 year olds and everyone cheers regardless of who scores. More times than not, players score in the wrong net, but cheer we do between the laughing and smiles.

"This is my second year as SOCCER GRAM. I spent last year CHEERING on Ashley's team of 4 year olds and this year it's Megan's turn. There is nothing, I repeat, nothing, funnier than 3 and 4 year olds playing soccer."
Last week was Michael's birthday and my daughter-in-law Rhonda suggested to Megan that she score a goal for Dad's birthday. This was Megan's first game and the first half she spent preening in the middle of the field. It was now time to get serious, or as serious as a 3 year old can get. We were all in position. Mom was cheering from the sidelines along with sister Ashley, the assistant coach. Soccer Gram, flourishing pom poms and screaming encouragement, was behind the goal. Megan got the ball, skillfully working it downfield with several opponents in hot pursuit. She smiled at me and kicked the ball into the net. The field and sidelines exploded and none was happier than Megan, who recieved a big hug from Coach Dad and a lot of attaboys from everyone there. If there was ever a Kodak moment, it was that little pint-size bundle of energy smiling and kicking.

Funny isn't it, that as we get older, our priorities change. Many of us find happiness in the simpler things in life. We have finally slowed down long enough to smell the roses. We are walking more, running less and find happiness in solitude and quiet moments. We stop and gawk at double rainbows arcing across a rain cloud filled sky and lift our faces to the sun in appreciation for its warmth as we sit quietly watching birds and critters romp in nature.

We have realized we do not have unlimited energy resources and dole out what we have for those things that bring us pleasure. Every ounce of my energy goes into my Soccer Gram persona and it's redundant to say that it brings me joy. It is without a doubt the highlight of my week.

I encourage you to take some time, if only a few minutes of your day, and just stop, look and listen. It's not a unique concept, but is rare in our fast-paced lives. And if you're not a grandparent or don't have grandchildren in soccer or nearby, the next time you're passing a soccer field, check and see if the little ones are playing. And I do mean the "little ones" - whose shirts reach their knees and shorts are somewhere around their ankles. Give yourself permission to stop for a minute and watch. I can guarantee you it will lend levity to your day, put a smile on your face and bounce in your step. Go team, go!


Ann thinks her grandchildren are cuter than yours. Prove her wrong by e-mailing
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