News from Hearing Expert Nola Aronson
Why Wait to Address Hearing Loss? by Nola Aronson, MA
The average person with hearing loss delays dealing with it for five to seven years. The question then is: Why wait before confronting obvious problems that come with the inability to hear clearly?
Researchers estimate that over 30 million Americans suffer from some level of hearing loss, while almost 75 percent avoid scheduling a screening to determine the cause and how to remedy it. Many people with hearing loss don't take action to correct the problem.
It may seem like you don't have hearing loss because you can hear someone talking to you, or the TV, but you can't catch every word. You may have trouble following conversations, but always come up with reasons why - it's noisy, people are speaking too fast or people are mumbling.
The truth is, when you have mild hearing loss, you will have trouble hearing certain higher-frequency sounds. Consonant sounds are in the higher range and are the first to go. While you may hear voices, you may find yourself mistaking similar-sounding words like "rent" and "sent" or "time" and "lime."
The first step to better hearing begins with a hearing screening when you notice you are experiencing symptoms. A simple screening can determine if you even have a hearing loss. After your screening, you will be able to make a more educated decision about what your options are to prevent further hearing loss. It's fast, free and fun. You get your eyes and teeth checked. Why not your ears? Don't miss those whispers of sweet nothings this Valentine's Day.
Call Advanced Audiology to schedule your free screening. 877-4555
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Show some Love
to a Senior
Do you have a senior in your life - maybe a relative, friend or neighbor? Spending a few moments to show you care can go a long way, especially if they are feeling lonely or isolated. Here are some tried and true ways to make a real difference in their lives.
Teach them how to surf the internet, use social media, or their cell phone text feature. Learning how to stay connected using technology will help them stay in contact with friends and relatives no matter where they live.
Give them a ride. A senior who is "transportation challenged" would probably appreciate a ride to the grocery store or help running their errands. Someone who may not easily leave their home may prefer the offer of picking up some fresh food or their prescriptions.
Share the bounty of your kitchen. Bring over a warm meal or spend time baking a favorite treat together.
Get them outside. Spending a few hours out of the house (think: movie, one-day class, or local drama or music performance) would be fun for everyone. Exploring interests or activities that the senior may not have participated in recently may light a spark that will help them engage in forgotten pastimes.
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