Celebrating with Seniors
Give the Gift of Time
December, 2009 - Issue #62
"The most important gift to a senior is time," reminds Geneva Knoles, CSA and director of Visiting Angels (263-2273). "Some seniors have difficulty getting out into the community, so they miss out on many festive activities. Offer to take a senior who no longer drives to go shopping, invite them to a festive music event or church function, or bring baking supplies and keep them company while baking some holiday treats," she suggests.

While you are spending time with older family members over the holidays, pay attention to signs that they may need additional assistance. "For example, are they remembering to take their medications? Are they able to shop for and prepare nutritious meals? Have steps been taken to make the bathroom 'fall-proof?,'" poses Knoles.

Myles McNamara, CSA and owner of Comfort Keepers (287-4200), agrees that time may be the best gift - year round. "This should apply throughout the year as well. Let them know they are loved. Include them in activities. Go to a special lunch or dinner," he urges.

The only thing wrong with "time" is that it doesn't always look pretty under the tree. When you want to purchase a present for a senior, there are some things to consider.

"Keep home safety in mind while choosing gifts," says Knoles. "Slippers are usually a hit, but make sure they fit well and have non-slip bottoms. If a loved one has unsafe electronics in their home, replace them with a newer model, and check out home improvement stores for gifts to help people organize their homes to reduce clutter." Visiting Angels has a new, easy way to try in-home assistance. The "Angel Call" gift certificate can be purchased for $50 and used for a two-hour visit any time. This is a perfect introduction to homecare services for those who could benefit from occasional help in their home or are reluctant to accept care.

"Also, you can restore old pictures and photo albums that honor their memories and their legacy," hits McNamara of Comfort Keepers. "Research the music from their era. There are companies, at very reasonable cost, that will produce, record, edit and deliver a DVD of your loved one's journey through life that will forever be a keepsake. How priceless is that?"
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