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News from Hearing Expert Nola Aronson
What's that Buzzing in my Ears?
by Nola Aronson, MA
Do you or someone you know have issues with a ringing, humming, hissing or buzzing sound in your ears?
It could be tinnitus, a fairly-common condition for people of all ages and walks of life. It is frequently caused by exposure to loud noise or certain medications. Tinnitus is a symptom, not a disease, which can accompany a hearing loss - or your hearing can also be normal. Advanced Audiology has several brand-new and effective options available to help relieve your tinnitus, however, at this time we cannot guarantee any cure. Many times, the actual cause is unknown.
Tinnitus can come and go; it can persist or stop altogether. Chronic tinnitus can severely interfere with people's daily lives, lead to trouble sleeping, cause irritability and make socializing a chore. If this has been a continuous problem for you or a loved one, relief is possible.
Advanced Audiology can provide a complete diagnostic hearing evaluation. Find out how they can help you.
Nola Aronson is the owner of Advanced Audiology. 877-4555
Help with Managing Chronic Diabetes
Managing chronic diabetes can be difficult in seniors. The disease itself may be exacerbated by other conditions
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Seniors who no longer drive or have the ability to prepare meals may have difficulty obtaining nutritionally-balanced food.
Sadly, decreased eyesight makes reading blood glucose monitors and insulin syringes very difficult.
Having in-home assistance can be a lifesaver. A company like Visiting Angels can assist with grocery shopping and preparing healthy meals; encourage safe exercising when appropriate and provide transportation to routine doctors' appointments.
Caregivers can assist with blood glucose checks by providing steady hands, reading the numbers on the glucometer and reminding the client to take medications as prescribed.
A Visiting Angel also gives peace of mind to families by monitoring the senior's mental status and other warning signs of a blood glucose emergency.
Visiting Angels 263-2273
Diabetes can be Prevented
The rate of Type II diabetes has almost doubled in the past 10 years, according to the results of a recent survey by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
The scary truth is that by the time you reach age 60, you have a one-in-three chance of being diabetic and one-in-two chance if you belong to certain ethnic groups. But you can avoid becoming a statistic by taking preventive action.
In fact, what you may not realize is that before you become a diabetic you are, for many years, a pre-diabetic. This means you have higher-than-normal blood sugar, but not high enough for you to be designated a diabetic.
The real solution is to know if you are pre-diabetic and intervene to not only stop the progression to diabetes but to begin the reversal and possible eradication.
This was accomplished by simply having a healthier diet, losing just 7 percent of body weight and undergoing moderate exercise. The results blew the lid off some longstanding assumptions when they were first published in 2002.
By contrast, if the pre-diabetic population did nothing to change behavior, they would in all likelihood develop Type 2 diabetes within 10 years, possibly going on to have heart attacks or strokes; potentially lose their limbs, eyesight, and kidney functioning; and probably die years before their time.
Chace R. Unruh, DC, is the owner of Unruh Spine Center. 288-0022