Grow Older, Grow Better
November, 2013 - Issue #109
News from Hearing Expert Nola Aronson
Are the Cheap Hearing Aids on TV
and the Internet Worth a Try?

by Nola Aronson, MA

Are the least expensive hearing aids on TV, the internet and in box stores worth a try? Should price be the primary determining factor when purchasing hearing aids?
In our practice, we often get questions like, "Why should I buy here when I can get them for so much less online?" When purchasing anything there are factors you should consider besides price.

Research shows that treating hearing loss has a positive impact on quality of life. Hearing aids are a worthy investment and, when purchasing, you need individual attention from a professional because it requires time and expertise to make sure it is right for your hearing needs. Not all hearing aids are alike and, like anything else in life, you pay for what you get.

The cost of hearing aids has actually decreased relatively over time compared to the rate of inflation. Hearing aids range from approximately $1,000 to $3,500 each, depending on the brand, features and technology selected.

Time spent with a hearing professional is often overlooked as being part of the cost; however, the service and care they provide are integral to a successful fitting and to ensure the aids continue to work for many years. The services Advanced Audiology provides include initial evaluation, hearing aid fitting, fine-tuning, physical fit adjustments, cleaning/repair and batteries for the life of the hearing aid.

If you average the cost over the three to five years or more they'll work for you, a top-of-the-line pair of digital hearing aids is only about $3 a day, less than a large latte. Unlike the fancy coffee beverage, they're proven to help you hear better and improve the quality of life for you and your family. That is one investment worth spending money on.

At Nola Aronson's Advanced Audiology, we have combined 75 years worth of experience. We fit hearing aids to match your social needs as well as your budget. The programming and knowledge of hearing loss solutions is what is important to improve your quality of life, not just the purchase of a hearing aid. Give us a try and see for yourself how our care, listening skills and expertise sets us apart.

Call to set up an appointment to discuss your needs with an Advanced Audiology hearing care professional. Hearing is believing! 877-4555

Beyond 50 Senior Program at Providence
Providence Health & Services recognizes aging has its rewards. Providence is adding to your rewards by offering a free membership program to adults age 50 and older. Offered by Providence Holy Cross, Providence Saint Joseph and Providence Tarzana Medical Centers, Beyond 50 is a diverse and comprehensive program designed to promote health and wellness. The program offers free informational seminars, educational and social opportunities, preventive health programs, fitness programs, discounts and much more. These are just some of the free and discounted benefits you'll receive by becoming a member.
• Health and wellness seminars, screenings and assessments
• Free referrals to physicians and other community resources
• Volunteer opportunities at the Medical Centers
• AARP driver training

Fitness Programs
• Sit and Be Fit Chair Fitness - Sneakers Program
• Mall Walkers
• Weight Resistance
• Cardiac Rehabilitation

To become a member of Beyond 50, just call 1-888-HEALING (432-5464) for more information or a membership application.
Once registered, you'll be on your way to receiving all of the benefits described here.

Seniors who Exercise have Less Chance
of Falling and More

It's not a surprise that regular physical exercise has a profound effect on how we age. Regular exercise can even go so far as to eliminate the need for medical intervention for illnesses that seem to be so prevalent in older people, like diabetes.

Exercise can also improve the number-one health risk with our elderly - falling. Falling is the result of a person's inability to maintain balance. This is a result of the person's psychological fear of actually falling and their physical inability to stop themselves from actually falling, which requires muscle strength. Thus, a regular routine of not only aerobic exercise, but also strength training, would go a long way in helping to eliminate the incidences of falling.

With less required medical intervention, our elder population can remain more independent for longer periods. Visiting Angels can help seniors maintain or increase their activity level by encouraging exercise within guidelines recommended by a health care professional, assisting with safe ambulation and accompany clients to exercise classes. 263-2273
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