Senior Health
August, 2013 - Issue #106
News from Hearing Expert Nola Aronson
Today's Hearing Aids have Tomorrow's Technology
by Nola Aronson, MA

36 million people in the US have some degree of hearing loss. Most people assume it happens when you're older, so it's ignored. But what will you do when your relationships start to fall apart, you lose your job or stop doing things you love because of your hearing loss?

My staff and I understand how hard it is to ask for help, so we treat you like family.

Some frequently asked questions are, "What's the best hearing aid on the market?" and, "Will they show?" We carry many brands and styles which are considered "the best." When your unique hearing loss, specific needs and budget are considered, that's when we find the best hearing aid for you. In fact, you don't keep it until we get it right.

Hearing devices today are small, discreet and mostly invisible to others. Other unique features with today's technology include:

For some types of hearing loss, more channels are essential in order to fit the amplification to the specific loss in each frequency range.

Directional Microphones
If you're in a loud environment, but want to listen to the person in front of you, directional microphones help by reducing the level of sounds coming from other directions.

Many of today's best hearing aids can do everything without you touching a button. These high-end models analyze sound, automatically adjust volume, auto-tune the microphone's direction and reduce unwanted noise. They are able to identify everything from background noise to wind blowing on the golf course and reduce the noise automatically.

Wireless Connectivity
There are wireless connections everywhere and the same is true with hearing aids. Cell phone calls can be routed to your hearing aids, along with your television, iPod and more helping you stay connected to technology.

Even entry-level models come packed with features. So what's important to you? Make a list. Then call Advanced Audiology. 877-4555

Courtesy of Shutterstock
Courtesy of Shutterstock
Making Sense of Medication Management
Managing medications is a big issue for many seniors. Some folks need to take multiple medications at different times of the day. On top of that, different medications need to be coordinated with food or other meds. It can be confusing: Some meds need to be taken with food and some on an empty stomach; some can't be taken at the same time as other medications or vitamins; if you miss a dose on some meds, sometimes you need to take it as soon as you remember, other times you should skip it; and some dosages are different based on a pulse rate, blood pressure or blood glucose reading.

No wonder it's so easy to become confused and make a mistake! Unfortunately, these errors often carry dangerous effects.

Luckily, there are tools available to help.

Pill reminder boxes are a low-tech and effective tool to organize all those pills. There are days-of-the-week boxes, some that can accommodate multiple dosages per day, and some even have alarms to alert you to open the box. The problem with these boxes, though, is making sure the pills go in the right section. There's also an ID problem: Once they are out of their original bottle, it can be difficult to know which pill is what drug.

Automatic pill dispenser machines can be a great way to monitor drugs. These smart machines are programmed to dispense medication at the correct time, then can alert the caregiver via phone call, text or email if the pill cup is not removed from the machine within a predetermined window of time. Although the machine is not cheap, it can be a great way for someone to overcome the challenges of managing their medications and live independently.

Medication assistance and reminders are also a service of Visiting Angels caregivers. A Visiting Angels caregiver can oversee the medications and make sure they are organized and stored correctly. They can also remind the client when to take their medications and ensure that the dosage instructions are followed. They can help get prescriptions filled and watch for side effects and report them to the client's physician.

Hiring a caregiver from Visiting Angels is a great way for seniors to stay happy and independent in the home that they love. 263-2273
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