Senior Living
April, 2014 - Issue #114
Do You Hear What I Hear?
by Jennifer Ramos
Did you know that hearing loss is the number-one most-denied health issue? I don't understand how or why, but most people wait an average of seven years to get help, or even admit that there's a problem. Maybe it's because there's a stigma that goes along with using hearing aids; many think that they deem you as "old."

The truth is, hearing loss can happen for many reasons, some of which have nothing to do with age at all. Age is a common factor, of course, but so is noise pollution, heredity and other issues. In short, hearing loss effects people of all ages.
Hearing loss affects family and friends almost as much as the person who's afflicted. It's frustrating to constantly repeat yourself or feel uncomfortable watching TV when your significant other has it on full blast.

In my case, I didn't have a problem hearing sound, I had trouble clarifying words, especially when background noise was present. I can tell you some funny stories about what I thought I heard people say versus what they actually said. Knowing first hand the convenience of hearing technology, I have to wonder: What are so many people afraid of? Certainly it couldn't be this mini-computer that hides behind my ear, processing sound. This little device connects me to life through better hearing and connects to my iPhone, too. I never have to worry about not hearing on the phone again!

You may secretly think you have hearing loss, while that "blurry" hearing may just be wax in your ears that needs a doctor's attention. Professional hearing staff can tell you in minutes. The point is: Wouldn't it be wonderful to know for sure?
At Nola Aronson's Advanced Audiology, hearing screenings are free New Dress Up Games Popular Games for anyone age 55 and up, or younger folks who think they present symptoms of hearing loss. A quick phone call is all it takes to see if you qualify. 877-4555

Help for those Struggling with Dementia
Visiting Angels can help seniors who are dealing with dementia and other memory impairments to continue to live their life in the familiar surroundings of their own home, enjoying their normal activities.

Services from the company's skilled caregivers include companionship and safety monitoring, memory cues, activities to help keep their mind engaged, nutritious home-cooked meals and assistance taking medications to help manage the symptoms of dementia.

If the senior does not require the one-on-one assistance of a caregiver, they may still benefit from the innovative home monitor system Visiting Angels can install that can alert family members of dangerous wandering or failure to take medications. Give them a call to discuss how they can develop a plan to meet your needs. 263-2273
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