Senior Living
June, 2014 - Issue #116
News from hearing expert Nola Aronson
Baby Boomers Rocked their Ear Drums

The first generation of Rock and Roll is more affected by hearing loss than previously believed.

A study found 38 million American Baby Boomers experience various degrees of hearing loss. The study included 437 random people aged 40 to 59 years old who were interviewed by phone or online. Studies done earlier estimated only 20 percent, or 16 million Americans in the Baby Boomer generation, would suffer from hearing problems in that age range. Are Baby Boomers losing their hearing at an earlier age than their parents or grandparents?

Yet, most of the boomers with hearing loss fail to seek medical attention. Only about one third had their hearing tested. Many of those tested admitted their hearing problem interfered with their family life and understanding during a telephone conversation.

Hearing loss is often the result of aging. However, most of those reporting hearing loss believe it was primarily caused by noise in their workplace or leisure pursuits.

Don't be afraid that wearing a hearing device will make you look old. Untreated hearing loss is much more conspicuous. Today's technology offers solutions from completely invisible to barely noticeable... and now there are devices that connect directly to your iPhone.

If you feel you can hear but sometimes have trouble clarifying words, schedule a free screening with an Advanced Audiology hearing care professional.

The "do's" of Dehydration
The biggest threat to older people in the summer is the risk of dehydration. As you age, you become more susceptible to dehydration for several reasons: The body's ability to conserve water is reduced, your sense of thirst is decreased and you're less able to respond to changes in temperature. Also, seniors tend to eat less than younger people do and sometimes may forget to eat or drink altogether. These problems are compounded by chronic illnesses like diabetes and dementia and by the use of certain medications.

Dehydration occurs when the body loses more water than it takes in. It can happen quickly and the symptoms can be life-threatening. Along with fluids, electrolytes like sodium and potassium levels are low in a dehydrated person, which is a serious issue because these electrolytes are important for heart function.

The elderly and those who care for them should be alert for these symptoms: confusion; warm, moist skin with poor skin elasticity; dry, sticky mouth with cracked lips, dry tongue and dry nose; low blood pressure and increased pulse; concentrated urine with little output; sunken, tearless eyes; and feeling lightheaded and dizzy when standing.

The solution is simple: make sure to get the minimum daily fluid requirement, which is around six to eight cups of fluid per day. Caffeinated and alcoholic beverages don't count! Check on your elderly family, friends and neighbors often in the summer months and make sure they have beverages available and are drinking enough. Visiting Angels 263-2273
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