Senior Living
June, 2015 - Issue #128
Summer Safety for Seniors
We all love when summer rolls in: warm breezes, picnics, swimming and vacations. However, with all this summertime fun comes the very real danger of hyperthermia - an illness resulting from being too hot for too long. Some of the symptoms of hyperthermia are:

* Swelling of the ankles and feet
* Dizziness
* Cramping of the legs, arms or stomach
* Nausea and extreme sweating

Our bodies work pretty well at maintaining a reasonable temperature by producing sweat when we are too warm. The sweat then lies on the skin, evaporates and cools the surface of our skin, keeping our body temperature where it should be. For older people, this "thermostat" may not work as effectively for various reasons - medications, heart or respiratory conditions, being overweight, having a diet low in salt, drinking too much alcohol or caffeine and being in poor physical condition.

Staying healthy in the summer is a matter of practical choices. Some ideas include:

* Avoid being outside at the hottest times of the day - 11am to 3pm
* Drink plenty of water or fruit juices
* Use SPF 15 or higher
* Use air conditioning, open windows when the temperature has dropped and cover windows that are in direct sunlight
* Don't overdo exercise and exercise in the early morning, eveningor in air-conditioned malls
* Dress properly: covering up with light-colored clothing to reflect the sun
* Ask neighbors to keep a watchful eye on elderly loved ones

Visiting Angels 263-2273

Your Brain and Ears: Your Own Dynamic Duo!
When it comes to great partnerships, your brain and ears are hard to beat! While their functions are distinctly different, your hearing health depends on how well your brain and ears work together. Your brain relies on your ears to collect sound and compares the incoming data. That comparison helps the brain decide what information is important to understanding speech and what information is simply background noise.

Your brain and ears also work together to fight debilitating medical issues. Because we hear with our brains, untreated hearing loss can lead to cognitive difficulties and increase the risk for developing dementia and Alzheimer's. When the brain "forgets" what it's like to hear, it is difficult to re-establish those pathways.

Scientists have been studying the relationship between hearing and the brain for decades. Their findings are used by manufacturers to improve hearing instruments. As a result, the majority of age-related hearing loss can be improved with a hearing aid.

To help keep your ears and brain working in tandem, contact an audiologist at Advanced Audiology. 877-4555
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