I Heart SCV
In the Know
April, 2012 - Issue #90
We're distrustful of anything that comes too easily, the stuff people are giving away for free. This is especially true of information. Take online dating. The information you offer is fine, but the hidden details, the inside scoop - why are you 40 and single? how recent is that photo? - are so much more valuable. It's the same with the news. Leaked memos are going to tell more than carefully-constructed press releases. We want to know exactly what you don't want us to know, that's all. It could be said that we have a lust for knowledge, but I think it's more a fear of ignorance. Nobody likes to be caught off guard.

"There were whispers of the CRIME around
the west side of town, but nothing in the news."

From Valencia to Castaic?
Off guard is exactly how City Hall found itself this February. Unbeknownst to the city manager, city council members, and most everyone else, the LA County Board of Supervisors voted to start a process of selling the current sheriff station in Valencia and building a new one in Castaic. We pay Los Angeles County some $20 million a year for sheriff's services, but they didn't even bother consulting with the city about such a big transition, though they've promised to now. Even our local captain, Paul Becker, didn't have all the information.

What's the big deal? Well, a location in Castaic would mean the Santa Clarita Sheriff Station wouldn't technically be in the City of Santa Clarita. It's also a long ways from Canyon Country, Santa Clarita's most populated region. But what we really want to know is why Santa Clarita wasn't consulted. Honestly, how hard would it have been to text the city manager with "Hai Ken were mebe $elling ur sheriff station...that ok?". County Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich loves plastering his name on things, but he may not be so keen on having his name associated with this ugly city vs. county public safety mess.

For weeks after the incident, a man who allegedly broke into a Stevenson Ranch woman's house, robbed her, sexually assaulted her and tried to murder her was living freely in his home on Steinbeck Avenue. There were whispers of the crime around the west side, but nothing in the news. We learned the horrific details more than a month after, when Sheriff's Detective Campbell identified the 18-year-old suspect, Jerry Moon, who was taken into custody. The case against Moon hasn't been presented yet, but it's apparently a strong one including DNA evidence.

This is the best possible news and something we hope helps the victim of this terrible crime rest easier and focus on recovery. The detective was able to solve the case by interviewing select parties but otherwise keeping things hushed. People discussing the case at local news sites, however, wondered whether everyone should have been notified so they could be especially vigilant, or whether the quiet approach was the key to success. It's unsettling to think that violent crimes have happened just down the street and we know nothing about them, but at least in this instance, the alleged perp is in custody.

It's April: time to vote for two Claritans to serve as members of the Santa Clarita City Council. Incumbents Laurie Ender and Bob Kellar are trying to keep their seats, and challengers TimBen Boydston, Ed Colley and Jon Hatami are trying to win their first elections. Knowing these simple facts practically makes you a news junkie in the SCV where, as we news junkies often lament, only one in six registered voters bothers to vote in local elections. But what if you want to be even more in the know before it's time to cast your vote this month? You can see the candidates talking at various forums on SCVTV or YouTube, and all of them have a Facebook presence. Frankly, you've lived in the information age long enough and I've given you their names - just Google them already.

We never know what situations Santa Clarita is going to face. Right now, there's a perchlorate plume spreading in the groundwater, questions about how to grow Santa Clarita, the continuing menace of the lake monster of Bridgeport. Hearting SCV means we should get to know the people we vote to lead her.

This column is intended as satire and a (sometimes successful) attempt at humor. Suggestions, catty comments and veiled threats intended for the author can be e-mailed to
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