Home For The Holidays
SITE AREA: Your Home - Inside SCV Homes
Whether your planned holiday menus are opulent or simple, incorporating the richest colors and textures of the season on your table will make your dinner a memorable one. Business partners Cynthia Piana and Lori Souza of Piana Designs (702-9490), the creators of this inviting look for...
Holiday Preparedness Check List - Part II
SITE AREA: Your Home - Interior Looks
Here we are again, trying to facilitate a stress-free holiday for all, including ourselves. If you didn't yet complete your list from last month (OK, we didn't either - but we came close!), we've included an update to catch you up to speed. Good luck!
Kid's Review
SITE AREA: Family - Family Features
The Betty Ferguson Foundation's Youth with a Voice (YWAV) group is an organization for the benefit of pre-teen and teenage girls, plus some new elementary kids like me. We attend meetings once a month where we discuss school, friends, problems, and information about each other. We als...
Your "Get Started Now!" Guide to Gift Giving
SITE AREA: Beauty - Fashion
Ok, so you do have a little over two months to get your perfectly packaged presents underneath the tree, but don't think that we're jumping the gun by getting you started now. Featured here is a hearty sampling of this year's must-have gifts; don't fool yourself into thinking that the...
Quick Yoga Poses for Stress Relief and Energy
SITE AREA: Fitness
Ever notice that around this time of year, the days get shorter but our to-do lists get longer? If you're one of the many who have been attacked on both sides by stress and fatigue, maybe it's time to take a minute for yourself. Yoga has been shown to promote circulation, calm the ner...
Ann on Aging
SITE AREA: Health - Seniors
My friend Cyndi in Santa Barbara recently sent me an e-mail (gloatingly) informing me she had been carded when she went to the store in sweats and no makeup. Let me preface this by saying that Cyndi is tall, lanky and looks a lot younger than her 48 years. I have begged and bribed cas...
The Family Therapist is In
SITE AREA: Health - Healthy & Happy
After last month's article regarding "What's Happening to Moms," I had the best conversation with a mother of six children - four boys and two girls. She told me that thing that made the biggest difference for her was learning to laugh - at both herself and her children. Her stress le...
What's Going On with Santa Clarita's Real Estate Market?
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
About six months ago, a local real estate agent knocked on my door to give me some news: "I know of three couples that want to buy your house," she said. "There will be a bidding war, which will only work to your advantage because it will drive your sale price up even higher. We'll ha...
Is Santa Clarita Ready to Directly Elect its Mayor?
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
Currently, the position of mayor of the City of Santa Clarita is rotated among the five elected sitting city council members on an annual basis. This has been the tradition since the city incorporated in 1987, though there have always been rumblings of having a mayor elected by the pe...
Festival of Trees
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
Attention holiday humbuggers: You are about to be filled with festive cheer. Resistance is futile, so grab a peppermint mocha, throw on a candy-cane-colored scarf, forget your "Why are there Christmas decorations out in October?" mantra, and head over to Festival of Trees.
Who Are These People?
SITE AREA: Business
In our continuing effort to (re-)introduce you to key city staff, Inside SCV would like to present Mr. Ken Pulskamp - the City of Santa Clarita's city manager and, in his lesser-known position, The Voice of the City (When you call city hall and are put on hold, you'll hear Ken, pluggi...
November 2004 Business Brief
SITE AREA: Business
Healthier than Fast Food Santa Clarita is now home to a Dream Dinners franchise - a perfect fit for this time-starved community. The concept is simple: customers select 12 dinners from a menu featuring entrees such as Herb-Crusted Flank Steak and Citrus Ginger Salmon. Then they regis...
SCV Football Scoring Big
What an incredible first month of football. In the 15 games played by Canyon, Hart, Santa Clarita Christian, Saugus and Valencia high schools, plus the four games played by College of the Canyons, football in Santa Clarita is a combined 17-2.
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