Mismatched Perfection
SITE AREA: Your Home - Interior Looks
A few months ago, while I was still living in Texas, I was given one of the best compliments I had ever received regarding the decorating style of my home: "Nothing matches, but everything goes." When we relocated to the Santa Clarita Valley, I seized the opportunity and ended up sell...
A Well-Stocked Bar and Signature Drinks Key to Party Success
SITE AREA: Your Home - Interior Looks
I'm having a party, but have no idea how to stock my bar. It would be so embarrassing to run out of drinks, but I don't want to go overboard, either. Help!
Kid's Review
SITE AREA: Family - Family Features
"Student valet? What is that?" you might ask. Have you ever seen those shivering and yawning elementary school children standing on the sidewalk every single morning before school? They are the famous door openers and primary grade personal escorts. They stand outside local elementary...
As a Manner of Fact
SITE AREA: Family - Family Features
Let me begin by admitting that I'd never be associated with the term "fashion-savvy" unless it was used in a sentence like, "Judith's not particularly fashion-savvy, poor thing." I don't own anything that appears in Vogue, and younger members of my family tease me for wearing stocking...
Punch Up your Fitness Level with Boxing
SITE AREA: Fitness
With the new year comes new resolutions about health and fitness. If you're like millions of other Americans, 2005 will start off with bold goals and renewed gym memberships. Wait... doesn't that sound exactly like the beginning of 2004? What stopped you last year from achieving your ...
Ann on Aging
SITE AREA: Health - Seniors
I recently read that Jack Lalanne, who recently turned 90, last had dessert in 1929. Great way to start off my holiday column now, isn't it? 'Tis the season for eggnog, decadent cakes, wonderful cookies, candies and nut breads. Somehow the thought of a low-carb, low-fat, high-protein...
The Family Therapist is In
SITE AREA: Health - Healthy & Happy
The toughest times as a parent are the times when you can't change it, fix it or make it better for your child. You can only be there beside them and love them through. A crucial part of growing up is learning how to deal with adversity. No one talks about how it's also a crucial part...
Great Finds - Roast House
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - The Dish
"Bada bing." Maybe not a phrase that rings with authenticity in Santa Clarita, but coming from implant Dick Lee, former New Jersey night club owner, it's a perfect description of co-owner Lee's newest venture: The Roast House Restaurant and Bar. With his two sons, Mike and Beau, the t...
2004 - A Good Year for Santa Clarita
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
So much has happened in the Santa Clarita Valley over the last few years, and 2004 has been no exception. We've seen the good, the bad, and the beautiful - with emphasis on the beautiful - and the valley continues to flourish.
The Curfew: It Could Cost You
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
I pace the floor, checking the clock every few minutes. "Why doesn't he have his cell phone on?" I wonder. Running the risk of annoying parents of my son's friends, I place late night calls searching for him. I even consider checking nearby trauma centers and sheriff's stations.
SCV-Powered Indie Film Features New Faces and Legendary Actor
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
Driving through what felt like miles of mountainous terrain to reach the secluded Veluzat Motion Picture Ranch (thank goodness for my SUV) and later dodging clouds of dust and rocks being pummeled at me during a scene with an accelerating Bronco, made me doubt if my first time on a mo...
Blue Star Mothers Unite to Support Troops and Each Other
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
"I don't want you to go back, but I know you have to," Pam Sweeny says quietly to her son Erik. He's been home from Iraq for additional training, and spent part of his leave time helping Santa Clarita's Blue Star Mothers make care packages for his comrades. Louder, Pam announces that ...
Who Are These People?
SITE AREA: Business
So far, we've featured a council member, the city manager, and the person in charge of city planning. All are very different people with very different jobs, but they do have one thing, or, more specifically, one person, in common: Gail Ortiz, public information officer for the City o...
January 2005 Business Brief
SITE AREA: Business
Cobblestone Cottage Donates $2,500 to Sheila R. Veloz Breast Imaging Center Kathy Allie, owner of Cobblestone Cottage, recently donated $2,500 to the local breast imaging center. Allie raised the donated funds by matching the $1,750 in sales from Brighton "Pink Too" bracelets sold at...
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