PAST ISSUES   -   JULY, 2005
Still Booming
SITE AREA: Your Home - Interior Looks
You've just dropped your youngest child off at college. The older children are on their own, doing just fine, thank you. Your home, which holds all the memories of raising a family, seems just a little too quiet and way too big. As you stand in the hallway looking at empty beds and ol...
Go Ahead - Add a Little Spice to your Life
SITE AREA: Your Home - Interior Looks
Dear Catering Divas, It's summer and I am itching to put some heat into my dishes. Unfortunately, I'm a chile novice. Help! Dear Chile Novice, Thank you for bringing up one of our favorite topics. Just thinking about the ancho, chipotle, cascabel, de arbols, guajillos, habanero....
Kid-Friendly Summer Fun
SITE AREA: Family - Family Features
Get Physical! Get Crafty! Be Entertaining! Be Mystified! Be Playful! Be Studious! Get Camping! Learn to swim, to knit, about fitness, about animation, camping ideas and much, much more.
Separation Anxiety
SITE AREA: Family - Family Features
My 4-year-old daughter Nicole has recently been going through a major bout of clinginess and separation anxiety. The other day, out of the blue, she put her arms around me and dramatically proclaimed, "Mommy, I don't ever want to be away from you. I want to be with you every minute, e...
As a Manner of Fact
SITE AREA: Family - Family Features
Before I begin, a statement to all of my "friends": If you think this article is about you, you're right. Sadly, my gentle suggestions of tact have been ignored, and now I must air your dirty laundry in public in order to make a point. My dear sacrificial lambs, I hope you listen this...
Kid's Review
SITE AREA: Family - Family Features
Can you believe that only a couple of months ago we were having the wettest winter in history? Well, almost... I guess we were about three-fourths of an inch away from breaking that record. Now, all we want to do is lie around in the shade drinking ice-cold lemonade... Or maybe read t...
Simple Moves, Awesome Results
SITE AREA: Fitness
Ever get overwhelmed by all those fancy machines at the gym? Yeah, we do, too. That's why we hit up two of Spectrum's best trainers and challenged them to come up with simplistic exercises that lead to serious results.
Ann on Aging
SITE AREA: Health - Seniors
It was at my son Michael's 30th birthday party that he and his wife Rhonda announced that they were expecting their first child. It was a moment frozen in time, one of absolute delight and sheer horror. How could I be a grandmother? I was only 52!
The Family Therapist is In
SITE AREA: Health - Healthy & Happy
Okay, the title was really just to get your attention, but in all seriousness, I received a sincere query to last month's article entitled "Behind the Bedroom Door." For those of you who didn't read the article, I basically spoke to women about taking care of their husbands; it ruffle...
Dee-lish! - Origami
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - The Dish
Folded neatly into the hustle and bustle of Valencia's Town Center Drive is Origami Bistro and Bar, a new Euro-Asian restaurant that can be added to Santa Clarita's growing list of hip and upscale eateries for the casual diner. With its charm and style, Origami is striving to fit in w...
Movers And Shakers
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
At the grand opening of All Corked Up, SCV Chamber of Commerce Chairman Ed Masterson was overheard complaining that he didn't look good in pictures: "I look at myself and think, 'I really look better than that in person... I hope!'" Inside SCV decided to test his theory by snapping an...
Shambala: The Neighbors You Didn't Know About
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
Tippi Hedren, a cinema icon from days gone by (think Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds"), is mad, but not for the same reasons her contemporaries seem to be. There's no made-for-TV movie she feels left out of, no co-star she feels slighted by. No, Tippi has more important things on her mi...
Local Theater Providing Children and Adults the Escape they Need
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
One thing Santa Clarita should be proud of is its passionate pursuit of arts and culture. A newcomer to our artistic society is ESCAPE Theatre, a non-profit children's theater company; and with their last production, "The Wizard of Oz," founder Elizabeth Burson had no problem finding ...
Great Finds - Ice Station Valencia
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
Sweltering temperatures, unforgiving heat waves and scorching pavement are all signs that summer is in full effect and the battle to stay cool has begun. It is never an easy feat in the Santa Clarita to beat the burning sensation of the desert sun, but this month's Great Find is this ...
Free Concerts Equal Summer Fun
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
Good music, some picnic munchies, family and friends... What better way to enjoy a warm summer evening? Santa Clarita is home to three major summer concert series: The City of Santa Clarita's Concerts in the Park, Valencia Town Center's Summer Concert Series, and the Lexus of Valencia...
Celebrate! Fourth of July SCV Style
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
Enjoy Independence Day with family and friends without fighting traffic. Stay close to home, grab a flag, and choose a prime fireworks-watching location. This year, it's all about simplicity, which is why we've organized the day's events from beginning to end. Whether you choose one a...
July 2005 Business Brief
SITE AREA: Business
Wild Havana Nights Sun-drenched beaches. Palm trees swaying in a tropical breeze. Lazy waves lapping at the shore. Immerse yourself in a world of sweet cigar smoke, brightly colored costumes and hot sizzling salsa dancers under a Cuban moon! Mark your calendars for this year's VIA Ba...
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