Inside SCV Room Makeover
SITE AREA: Your Home - Inside SCV Homes
After digging through 100 entries and aligning together a Santa Clarita dream team of designers and contractors, Inside SCV Magazine was able to completely overhaul one family's master bedroom.
Home Away From Home
SITE AREA: Your Home - Inside SCV Homes
So you've decided to play host to out-of-town friends or relatives this holiday season... how nice of you! While you may be having fantasies of big family meals and fun outings, there's more to being a great host than food in the refrigerator and a filled social calendar. Of course yo...
Home Away From Home
SITE AREA: Your Home - Inside SCV Homes
So you've decided to play host to out-of-town friends or relatives this holiday season... how nice of you! While you may be having fantasies of big family meals and fun outings, there's more to being a great host than food in the refrigerator and a filled social calendar. Of course yo...
Ditch the Canned Cranberries this Thanksgiving
SITE AREA: Your Home - Interior Looks
Dear Culinary Geniuses, Last Thanksgiving, I was teased about my reliance on store-bought, "it's still shaped like a can even though it's out of its can" cranberry sauce. I'm not interested in a repeat offense. Help! It wouldn't be Thanksgiving without cranberry sauce - and we are no...
Introducing Jaden Michaels
SITE AREA: Family - Family Features
"Spunky" is how you'd describe the petite brunette soon-to-be star Jaden Michaels. And unpretentious, all 5'3" of her. In fact, the home schooled teen is remarkably polite and eager to please - everything you wouldn't expect from a girl on the cusp of fulfilling a big dream.
As a Manner of Fact
SITE AREA: Family - Family Features
Like the insipid tune, "Where Have All the Flowers Gone?" that played in the background of my youth, I more recently find my self humming to the melody of, "Where Have All Your Manners Gone, You Ignorant Fool?" and the new take on an old favorite, "Your Parents Would be Ashamed, God B...
Kid's Review
SITE AREA: Family - Family Features
For me, Thanksgiving is defined by three words: family, tradition, and of course, thankfulness - thinking about the things for which I am thankful. It is about gratitude and happiness for what I have. Yet, what would this splendid holiday be without having a traditional Thanksgiving f...
Party Time
SITE AREA: Beauty - Fashion
Need inspiration for your perfect party look? Get motivated with these gorgeous festive looks, all available from artists in the SCV.
Ann on Aging
SITE AREA: Health - Seniors
Fibromyalgia is an ugly syndrome with a variety of symptoms including severe fatigue, chronic pain, memory problems, irritable bowel, sleep disorders, headaches and lack of energy. Wow, that was a mouthful, and people still live through and with it! I read somewhere that many of Dr. K...
The Family Therapist is In
SITE AREA: Health - Healthy & Happy
I was having a conversation about a week ago with a 17-year-old male high school student. I've known him many years, watched him grow up, and know he has loving and supportive parents. What shocked me about the conversation was not that fact that he shared he'd been using drugs on and...
Miracle: Michael Hoefflin Gala
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
I've seen miracles, lots of them, because I work with children who have cancer. When Manny was 6, his doctors did surgery to remove a cancerous brain tumor; he did well for a year and a half and then relapsed at the age of 8.
Project Town Angels Takes Flight for Hurricane Katrina
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
Hurricanes Katrina and Rita have affected left us asking, "How can we help?" A group of Santa Clarita individuals have come together to organize community support to host two families left homeless by these disasters for up to 12 months. The group is called Project Town Angels and was...
Movers And Shakers
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
Now THAT'S a Bat Mitzvah! What, your mom didn't plan a party for 350 at The Plaza in Beverly Hills to mark your passage into womanhood, you say? Too bad your mom isn't Shelley Hann. Well, let us help you live vicariously through the well-mannered Miss Ashley Hann for a moment. Her Bat...
Boys & Girls Club's Festival of Trees
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
'Twas the month before Christmas and all through the city, talk of trees buzzed about: "Oh, how pretty!" The Boys and Girls Club of the SCV will, for the third time, host their annual Festival of Trees (poor twists on classic holiday poems not included) on November 18 through November...
Quick Couple's Getaway: The Central Coast
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
For Cal Poly San Luis Obispo students, the Central Coast is like a nest. You get spoiled enjoying the area's amenities, but sooner or later, you are forced to fly away and settle elsewhere. And it's only then you realize just how great you had it.
Inside Catering Guide
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
In charge of the office party? Desperate to avoid the kitchen for your own festivities? Whether you plan on supplementing your own spread with some outside help or just want to show up and have someone else do all the work, we've started the process for you by compiling all the needed...
Great Finds - Dream Dinners
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
Don't have time to cook? Tired of spending hard-earned cash on expensive meals out? Think that fast food is making you a little too thick around the middle? You aren't alone, and enterprising companies have started to take notice. In Santa Clarita, a new business called Dream Dinners ...
Dee-lish! - South Point Argentine Grill
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
With influences from the kitchens of Latin America, Italy, and Spain, the ingredients that comprise Argentine cuisine make for a dynamic and interesting gastronomic palate. At South Point Argentine Grill in Valencia, this melting pot of cultures and flavors is evident on South Point's...
Triangle of History
SITE AREA: Business
Not many residents remember the name Ed Pardee. Ed was the local sheriff back in the late 1800s and he owned a home on a piece of land bordered by Newhall Avenue, Market and Walnut streets. The home was originally built in 1890 to serve as the Good Templar's Lodge, a place Newhall cow...
Inside SCV History: Vasquez Rocks
SITE AREA: Business
Like fingers reaching for the skies above, the jagged points of Vasquez Rocks rise over a hundred feet above the park floor. The rocks, formed over thousands of years of geological activity, earthquakes, and erosion are a focal point of local geography. Visible for miles along State R...
Total Financial Makeover
SITE AREA: Business
During the holiday season, many gifts will be exchanged, many holiday meals will be prepared and many miles will be traveled by those seeking to unite with loved ones. As a result, many a family will feel the pinch of holiday purchasing. At the root of post-holiday debt is lack of pla...
November 2005 Business Brief
SITE AREA: Business
Crafter's Connection Named #1 In celebration of winning the title of #1 Crafters Store in the SCV, Crafter's Connection will host a party on October 22 featuring music, food, deep discounts and more. Call 297-4005 for more information. Auton Motorized Systems Presents the Symph...
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