Entertaining the Question
SITE AREA: Your Home - Interior Looks
Dear Catering Mentors, I have been waxing poetic about olives, and my friends are starting to regard me strangely. Please, help redeem me. They are on your pizza. They are in your martini. When you were young, they were on your fingertips. And up until a few years ago, they were on...
The Decorating Divas
SITE AREA: Your Home - Interior Looks
The latest in interior design is repurposing. In other words, use what you have, use it in a new way or reinvent it! Anne had grown tired of her home office and felt that she needed a change, but she couldn't financially justify redoing the entire room.
Forget about April 15
SITE AREA: Your Home - Interior Looks
Go ahead and procrastinate on those taxes a few extra days this year. The deadline to file your individual tax return (or request an extension) falls on Monday, April 17, 2006. For those of you who actually like to plan, March is the perfect time to dig out all those receipts and hit ...
The SCV Real Estate Market: A Season of Change
SITE AREA: Your Home - Real Estate
Local realtors agree on the current real estate climate: the winds of change are ushering in a new season. Those who wish to successfully navigate these uncertain air flow patterns ought to buckle their seat belts and prepare for landing. The destination: back to planet Earth.
This is a Short Story about a Long Love
SITE AREA: Family - Family Features
It doesn't matter why you meet people, as long as you learn something from them. When I first encountered Dolly and Monny Schwimmer, I was 17. When I met them, they had already celebrated 50 years together. But that's no great accomplishment in itself. What struck me then, and now, 10...
Kid's Review
SITE AREA: Family - Family Features
I am sure many of you have seen the new movie "Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe." This entertaining movie tells about four siblings evacuated out of London because of war and forced to move to a large house in the country. There, they discover a magic wardro...
Inside SCV Makeover
SITE AREA: Beauty - Fashion
Canyon Country resident Cathy Scott, a respiratory therapist at Northridge Hospital, leaves for work at 4:30 in the morning and sometimes arrives home as late as 8:30 at night. This mother and wife confessed that she never made time for herself, "I never have been pampered - this was ...
Business chic for Men and Women
SITE AREA: Beauty - Fashion
Accessories and More take the "Bored" Out of "Boardroom" Just because work can be boring doesn't mean your wardrobe has to be. Spice up the boardroom, the courtroom, the corner office or even the crammed cubicle with eye-catching colors, textures and fabrics.
Ann on Aging
SITE AREA: Health - Seniors
Would someone please tell me what's going on with big boys, their toys and the all-so-obvious-to everyone-but-them midlife crises? It's almost as if a testosterone-driven biological time clock alarm goes off as men approach their 50s and beyond. The story is so often the same, and tra...
The Family Therapist is In
SITE AREA: Health - Healthy & Happy
"Don't worry, there's nothing to be afraid of." How many of us can remember being scared of something as a kid and hearing this traditional dismissive from our parents? Everyone has childhood memories of fear. Maybe it was the dark, or of getting lost in a department store, or big dog...
Great Finds - The Saugus Cafe
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - The Dish
The Santa Clarita Valley is rich with history. We have Vasquez Rocks on our border and the Oak of the Golden Dream, San Francisquito Dam, William S. Hart Park and Mentryville all within our city limits. Our rapidly growing community has a unique blend of old and new, past and present,...
Dee-lish! - Cavi Cucina Italiana
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - The Dish
"Buonasera." Good evening. It's the simple Italian phrase diners are greeted with when entering Cavi Cucina Italiana for dinner. Good evening indeed, as diners are sure to enjoy the delectable offerings of simply made, beautifully presented dishes at this new trattoria in Newhall.
SCV Disaster Coalition Springs into Action
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
They might as well be wearing superhero capes. Santa Clarita's most influential leaders have come together, on their own time and dime, to make sure area residents are taken care of in the event of a local disaster.
Movers and Shakers
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
If a rough-and-tumble football coach can be the belle of the ball, then Canyon High School's Harry Welch is it. The Signal's Newsmaker Awards not only granted the pigskin guru with the title of Newsmaker of the Year, but his team of "Are they good enough to beat Hart?" gents also stol...
Circle of Hope's Walking for Hope - 2006
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
Being diagnosed with breast cancer can be the scariest experience of one's life; it shouldn't be the loneliest as well. Circle of Hope, a nonprofit organization dedicated to financially assisting individuals with breast cancer who either work or live in the Santa Clarita Valley, also ...
Get Out of Town! - Channel Islands
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Get Out of Town
Solitude can be hard to find in our wild places amidst noisy shuttle busses, RV parks and souvenir stands. Separating yourself from the crowds is not impossible, however. An hour in the car coupled with another hour on a boat can get you away from the masses to Channel Islands Nationa...
The Story of our Valley - Part II
SITE AREA: Business
In the middle of the 19th century, railroads were just coming of age in America. Prior to this transition, the voyage west involved a several month journey sailing to Panama, then included a hike across the isthmus before sailing north once again. It's no surprise, then, that the adve...
Shop Santa Clarita's Small Businesses
SITE AREA: Business
They could be your neighbor or the volunteer coach for your kid's soccer team. These are the hardworking individuals who are up early taking inventory, assisting customers throughout the day or working well into the night. There is no clock to punch in or out, but the job is with them...
SCV Business Gurus Share their Secrets to Success
SITE AREA: Business
While most of the businesses in this country are considered "mom and pop" in one way or another, the tragic fact is that the vast majority of them (some estimates are as high as 80 percent) go out of business within their first five years.
March 2006 Business Brief
SITE AREA: Business
Kickoff to Walk for Arthritis Bridget Loden, director of development at Providence Holy Cross; Tom Burtonm physical therapy at Providence Holy Cross; Jeri Seratti Goldman of KHTS; Cheri Fleming of Valencia Acura; and Carl Goldman of KHTS were on hand at Santa Clarita's new medical ...
Total Financial Makeover
SITE AREA: Business
Spring cleaning is an American tradition. There is something about the warmer weather that makes us want to fling open the windows, air out the closets, beat the rugs and polish the silver. But what about our finances? Wouldn't spring be a good time to organize and sort them out, too?
Santa Clarita's Rugby Team
It's 2:30 p.m. on a Tuesday and coach Andy Smith sits in his classroom at Canyon High School, surrounded by more than a dozen young men. School has ended and Smith's North L.A. County Wildcats - the first-ever high school rugby team in the Santa Clarita Valley - is arriving for practi...
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