Inside SCV Magazine's Home Room Makeover is Back
SITE AREA: Your Home - Inside SCV Homes
Last year, Inside SCV Magazine, along with over a dozen home makeover professionals, transformed one reader's bedroom into an organized, well-appointed escape. This year, we're ready to do it again, and we've already signed on 16 of the SCV's best home-related businesses to help us ma...
History in Every Corner
SITE AREA: Your Home - Interior Looks
What do you do when, as Sand Canyon homeowner Dalian Eichmann says, "you have champagne taste on a beer budget?" If you are Eichmann, you have two options and you take both of them: utilize quality items that have stood the test of time and can be obtained from family or estate sales ...
Entertaining the Question
SITE AREA: Your Home - Interior Looks
Summer is the time of weddings and bridal showers. When you are getting married or are helping a friend or family member plan her nuptials, the details can become overwhelming. When planning with a bride we ask: Where did you meet? Where did he propose? Where are you going on honeymoo...
Treasures Passed Down through Generations may be the Best Wedding Gifts of All
SITE AREA: Your Home - Inspired by Design
An heirloom in general is any old item or antique passed down from one generation to another. We've all seen the television show where people bring in items and have an expert give the owner a value for the property. We've also heard about the lucky guy who bought a simple painting at...
A Day in the Sun at the Santa Clarita Open Air Market
SITE AREA: Family - Family Features
Long before the mall, Olive Garden, Trader Joes and all of the other fantastic shopping and eateries graced our home here in Santa Clarita, Sunday mornings found the sides of Soledad Canyon Road lined with cars from the bowling alley all the way to Bouquet Canyon. We'd park and walk a...
Kid's Review
SITE AREA: Family - Family Features
Mica Area High School was just like any other. Everything about MAHS could be described as average, until Stargirl showed up. There was nothing ordinary about her, from her personality, looks, and even her pet was unusual. Students didn't know what to do with her; she couldn't be comp...
Looking your Best on the Big Day
SITE AREA: Beauty - Weddings & Events
Do you cover your mouth when you laugh or smile? Crooked or stained teeth, as well as an uneven gum line, can prevent you from expressing joy on what should be the happiest day of your life. Thankfully, procedures like Invisalign (invisible braces) or natural-looking porcelain veneers...
Love is Bountiful
SITE AREA: Beauty - Weddings & Events
Florists. Caterers. Consultants. Seminars. Hypnotists? From traditional wedding vendors to options you may have yet to consider, event-related choices are innumerable. Browse through the following collection and become inspired; your dream wedding is just a few phone calls away.
With Love, there are No Impossibilities...
SITE AREA: Beauty - Weddings & Events
Whether you're dreaming of a dramatic updo or casual curls, funky makeup or the girl-next-door glow, Santa Clarita's finest beauty professionals can turn imagination into reality.
Making your Wedding a Memorable Occasion
SITE AREA: Beauty - Weddings & Events
Be sure to arrange for someone with a large vehicle to transport your gifts home from the reception. This will allow you and your new spouse to make a quick getaway. Even if you don't hire a wedding planner to help you with the arrangements for your wedding, you can save yourself and ...
A Declaration of Love
SITE AREA: Beauty - Weddings & Events
Make planning your big day simple, not simply complicated! It only takes a dab of visualization, a dose of organization and a touch of prioritization topped off with a dollop of creativity and you have the ingredients to plan your wedding like a true professional.
Love is in the Details
SITE AREA: Beauty - Weddings & Events
Don't be afraid of incorporating a theme into your wedding. The term doesn't have to mean costumes and cheesy decor. It essentially means a unifying concept that is carried throughout the elements of your event to make it cohesive. For example, so many marriages today blend different ...
All you Need is Love...
SITE AREA: Beauty - Weddings & Events
Baby wipes remove makeup and other smears from wedding dresses without staining. A binder is a great way to stay organized. Make dividers with headings like: church, reception, flower ideas, cakes. When you are going through magazines, cut out some ideas that you like. Showing vendors...
Ann on Aging
SITE AREA: Health - Seniors
A very wise person once wrote that, "Change is inevitable except in vending machines." I now find myself in the throes of divorce (thus the name change) and have begun venturing out into the world of single boomers. Not surprisingly, I am in the company of multitudes. There are milli...
Diabetes - Rated K for Kids
SITE AREA: Health - Healthy & Happy
There are many children who will suffer from diabetes regardless of their activity level or eating habits (about one in 500), but this article is for all the kids who have or who are at risk for Type 2 diabetes - the kind that preys on the obese and inactive. In 1976, seven percent of...
The Family Therapist is In
SITE AREA: Health - Healthy & Happy
Last September I wrote about my college-bound son heading off down the road less traveled and how much emotion was attached to that transition. I actually thought after my youngest left there was a hole in my gut and the only thing substantial to fill it would be one more hug from him...
Dee-lish! - The German Place
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - The Dish
"Cream colored ponies and crisp apple streudels, Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles." Small horses and bells aren't on my shortlist of favorite things (even if they were, I wouldn't admit it here; it's bad enough I allude to a lyric from "The Sound of Music"). But a...
Movers & Shakers
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
Santa Clarita's most ginormous fundraiser has again come and gone, leaving the Boys & Girls Club's storage room approximately (and we're just making an educated estimate here) 829,347 auction items lighter. The net total is estimated at $475,000. The heavy-walleted among us walked off...
Traffic Unplugged
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
Those of us who have been caught in the traffic jam around Six Flags Magic Mountain knows what a nightmare it can be. Cars are backed up in both directions and the dividing lines in the road can be somewhat screwy. It can be especially frustrating if you happen to be behind an out-of-...
Great Finds - Old Town Newhall's Farmers' Market
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
My hat is off to the farmers. Their job is difficult, what with the weeds, the bugs and the weather conspiring against them. And that promise God made to Adam in Genesis ("And so, the ground will be under a curse ... [it] will produce thorns and thistles") adds to the challenge.
Carousel Ranch's Heart of the West Presented by Mission Valley Bank
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Entertainment
A starry night will reflect a generosity of both spirit and finances when donors, staff, clients and other guests unite to celebrate the many accomplishments of Carousel Ranch. A thousand supporters are expected to attend Heart of the West, the biggest annual fundraiser for Carousel R...
Get Out of Town! - Day Trip North Time Well Spent for Brewing Fans
SITE AREA: Eat, Drink & Play - Get Out of Town
The Santa Ynez Valley is a top destination for wine enthusiasts and people who think they're wine enthusiasts after watching "Sideways." That's all well and good if high-priced fruit juice is your thing. But I like caps on my bottles, not corks. So you won't find me meandering the bac...
Inside SCV History
SITE AREA: Business
By the late 1930s, much of the nation was still in the grips of the Great Depression. On the international front, World War II loomed. In short, this was a hardly a time to rejoice, but the owners, stockholders and staff of the Newhall Land and Farming Company did have much to celebra...
The Revitalization of Santa Clarita's Neighborhood Watch
SITE AREA: Business
"Crash!" Peering through the window I see, and hear, that the new neighbors are putting out their trash cans for the day's regularly scheduled trash pick up. In the distance are the rumbling sounds of Jim's pick-up approaching the neighborhood. As usual, he is right on schedule for hi...
Opinion Piece - The Cemex Mine
SITE AREA: Business
Over the last several years, your city has spent nearly $7 million fighting the siting of a proposed mega-mining project in our valley by the Mexican-owned Cemex Corporation. It is hard to believe, but a giant gravel mine with its 16-hour-a-day blasting, 1,200 truck-trips a day, noise...
Total Financial Makeover
SITE AREA: Business
I know, I know. Summer is here and it is time for a break. As if you didn't have enough to think about - your family, your job, vacations, your finances - here's one more item to add to your to-do list: Teach your kids about money. Why? Because the earlier you start, the sooner your k...
August 2006 Business Brief
SITE AREA: Business
As Galpin Motors celebrates 60 years of serving Southern California from its base in the San Fernando Valley, the multi-franchise, world-renowned automobile enterprise continues to expand, according to Bert Boeckmann, owner-president. Galpin of Santa Clarita, located in Valencia, has ...
SCV's Top Pony Team Sacrifices for Success at Nationals
You could say 12-year-old Victoria Bauer was born to ride a horse. By the time she was 4, after seeing a picture of an equestrian rider atop a horse, she was asking Mom and Dad if she could do it. By age 7, Victoria was riding regularly, her lithe body guiding an 850-pound animal over...
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